Mass recall on product is a viable option

Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 8:10 am

I see alot of people complaining about lag on PS3. I say that if any of you have the gaul, you should sue them for a policy change for all console games. Simply put, make Mass Recall law on defective products. The fact that you had to pay cash for a product that is broken on purchase should be very easy to win your case in court.

Think of it this way. California has the lemon law which is differet from most states. It states that basically anything defective within X amount of time or USE is considered a lemon purchase and must be refunded in full amount. Also, it should be illegal to sell a product that is known to be defective without wavering that fact with the customer. This is why you have to sign off for damn near anything that MIGHT have a problem. They wantyou to take responsibility rather then them. I don't remember seeing anyone sign anything when buying skyrim so it is safe to assume, we were not told of known issues at purchase. Everyone would have gotten it for PC if we knew it would have been [censored] on ps3.

Now the only way to stop this from happening to anyone else in the future, you as a people, must due a huge class action law suit in the thousands that make it unignorable so you can get laws passed to protect your rights as a paying customer. If only you would act, this might never happen again.

But please stop crying in the forums about something if you arn't going to do anything about it.
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Michelle Chau
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 6:33 am

Mass recall? Lol. Good luck with that. I have seen FAR worse on a ton of other games. And technically the game isn't broken.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 11:47 am

That makes no sense. By "defective" do you mean any product that isn't 100% perfect? Because by that definition ALL software is defective.
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Micah Judaeah
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 7:19 am

That makes no sense. By "defective" do you mean any product that isn't 100% perfect? Because by that definition ALL software is defective.

And then there's the part where, since all the platforms (PS3, X360, PC) are theoretically capable of downloading patches, there's no reason for any kind of "recall" to start with.

(on the general topic of lawsuits - there's way too many lawyer-profit-driven, screw the customer, frivolous/moronic "class action" suits out there. The world doesn't need more.)
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Greg Cavaliere
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 6:53 am

also some where it usually states that you are accepting this product "AS IS "
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:16 am

I see alot of people complaining about lag on PS3. I say that if any of you have the gaul, you should sue them for a policy change for all console games. Simply put, make Mass Recall law on defective products. The fact that you had to pay cash for a product that is broken on purchase should be very easy to win your case in court.

Think of it this way. California has the lemon law which is differet from most states. It states that basically anything defective within X amount of time or USE is considered a lemon purchase and must be refunded in full amount. Also, it should be illegal to sell a product that is known to be defective without wavering that fact with the customer. This is why you have to sign off for damn near anything that MIGHT have a problem. They wantyou to take responsibility rather then them. I don't remember seeing anyone sign anything when buying skyrim so it is safe to assume, we were not told of known issues at purchase. Everyone would have gotten it for PC if we knew it would have been [censored] on ps3.

Now the only way to stop this from happening to anyone else in the future, you as a people, must due a huge class action law suit in the thousands that make it unignorable so you can get laws passed to protect your rights as a paying customer. If only you would act, this might never happen again.

But please stop crying in the forums about something if you arn't going to do anything about it.

You mean how you just cried on a forum about something you aren't and can't do anything about?
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victoria johnstone
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:59 am

And then there's the part where, since all the platforms (PS3, X360, PC) are theoretically capable of downloading patches, there's no reason for any kind of "recall" to start with.

(on the general topic of lawsuits - there's way too many lawyer-profit-driven, screw the customer, frivolous/moronic "class action" suits out there. The world doesn't need more.)

Exactly. Not that I wanna start any sort of political debate on a game forum, but the market does punish excessively defective products. People can get away with sloppy work only if the product is so good in other ways that the good points outweigh the bugginess. And I know I've mentioned older games that were extremely buggy on release yet are considered classic games nowadays.

also some where it usually states that you are accepting this product "AS IS "

Exactly. I suppose if Bethesda had KNOWINGLY released a piece of software that didn't work AT ALL you could get them on that, but obviously that isn't the case. Most people have no serious problems. Even the PS3 people, who seem to have the worst rate of big problems, still MOST of them aren't having serious problems.

So let's stop the silly talk of class action lawsuits.

What people with problems should be doing is posting their issues in the forums for technical issues, which I'm sure most people with problems are doing. I've already posted in the PC technical forum about my one (minor) issue.
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liz barnes
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 7:26 am

Or people could just not get so caught up in the hype train and wait before pre ordering/purchasing.. but then that is as likely as a 100% bug free game at launch anyway. C'est la vie, deal with it. :shrug:
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John N
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:27 am

there is a difference between slightly bugged and OMFG i can;t get out of winterrun because the frames dropped to 5 fps from now until eternity.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:11 am

I see alot of people complaining about lag on PS3. I say that if any of you have the gaul, you should sue them for a policy change for all console games. Simply put, make Mass Recall law on defective products. The fact that you had to pay cash for a product that is broken on purchase should be very easy to win your case in court.

Think of it this way. California has the lemon law which is differet from most states. It states that basically anything defective within X amount of time or USE is considered a lemon purchase and must be refunded in full amount. Also, it should be illegal to sell a product that is known to be defective without wavering that fact with the customer. This is why you have to sign off for damn near anything that MIGHT have a problem. They wantyou to take responsibility rather then them. I don't remember seeing anyone sign anything when buying skyrim so it is safe to assume, we were not told of known issues at purchase. Everyone would have gotten it for PC if we knew it would have been [censored] on ps3.

Now the only way to stop this from happening to anyone else in the future, you as a people, must due a huge class action law suit in the thousands that make it unignorable so you can get laws passed to protect your rights as a paying customer. If only you would act, this might never happen again.

But please stop crying in the forums about something if you arn't going to do anything about it.

You fail at Skyrim. Go away now.
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i grind hard
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 7:13 am

Op is out of his damn mind. I love this game. Haven't seen a bug yet on PC. I'm being completely honest. I hear all this stuff about patches and bugs and I never see them. My brother on the other hand has really bad ones on the console. I wonder if the game is too much for consoles since PC's seem to work fine. It must be more of the hardware and not the software.
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Britta Gronkowski
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 8:19 am

That makes no sense. By "defective" do you mean any product that isn't 100% perfect?

No, I'm pretty sure he means products that are so horrendously buggy and broken that it kills some people's motivation to even try playing/attempting to run the game. Like Skyrim.
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michael danso
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:32 pm

No, I'm pretty sure he means products that are so horrendously buggy and broken that it kills some people's motivation to even try playing/attempting to run the game. Like Skyrim.


Tell me 3 things in this game that are broken.
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Marcia Renton
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 11:46 am

No, I'm pretty sure he means products that are so horrendously buggy and broken that it kills some people's motivation to even try playing/attempting to run the game. Like Skyrim.

Ah. So if some minority of people get frustrated, that obliges Bethesda to do a recall? Or should?

As I said, the majority of users on all platforms are having no major issues. Lots of people are having minor issues; few people are having major issues. While the problem rate for Skyrim seems higher than the average rate for games, it's still a minority of people that are having serious issues. They'll fix the major issues, and so people just have to be patient.
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Anthony Rand
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 4:35 am

recall? wouldnt a patch be better? if yours is broken return your copy because for other peoples works just fine
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Miranda Taylor
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:31 am


Tell me 3 things in this game that are broken.

Off the top of my head:

Fast Travel.
Carriage rides.

Many more.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:16 pm

How are dragons broken? I keep hearing about these dragons flying in reverse gear, and have yet to see it happen.

I haven't used a carriage, but what's broken with the fast traveling?
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Dalton Greynolds
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 11:51 am

recall? wouldnt a patch be better?

If the latest patch is any indication, no.
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Reven Lord
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:59 am

Off the top of my head:

Fast Travel.
Carriage rides.

Many more.

I have no idea what you're talking about here. How are dragons broken. Sure...since the last patch, some might fly backwards once in awhile...but that's a minor bug. Not broken. I haven't experienced that in my game though.

I don't use Fast Travel or Carriage Rides. Not sure how they're broken either. I've not even read about those two being broken.

I think your definition of "broken" might actually be better worded as "not how you like it".
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Kit Marsden
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 12:43 am

Bethesda has no respect for people who do not have their consoles online. Offline PS3 owners literally have a defunct product.
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Tiffany Carter
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:27 am

If legislature required software to be free of defects, there would be no software. Expecting software to be free of any defects is like believing in fairies and deities.
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evelina c
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 5:10 am

If legislature required software to be free of defects, there would be no software. Expecting software to be free of any defects is like believing in fairies and deities.

Thats not the point. bethesda gives no other option to fix their product other than to download a patch.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 12:56 pm

How are dragons broken? I keep hearing about these dragons flying in reverse gear, and have yet to see it happen.

I haven't used a carriage, but what's broken with the fast traveling?

Within 5 minutes of playing today (after jumping through hoops trying to get the game to run without crashing constantly after the latest patch) I saw a dragon warp around backwards all over the place for a couple minutes before whipping around and phasing through the side of a mountain and disappearing.

Riding a carriage crashes me to desktop 100% of the time.

Clicking anywhere on the map automatically closes the map, making fast travel impossible.
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Steve Fallon
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 6:36 am

I have no problems on my PS3. If I play it for 8 hours straight I get heavy lag. All it takes is a restart and I'm good for another 8 hours.

I've only had one dragon spaz out on me. Was when I was killing the 2nd dragon in MQ when a random dragon came by and attacked the town but the animation was broken so it just glided around not attacking me, was hilarious and didn't bother me at all.
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Erin S
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:28 pm

Bethesda has no respect for people who do not have their consoles online. Offline PS3 owners literally have a defunct product.

Not trying to offend you or anything. Not even trying to defend Bethesda (That should have released a good product for PS3 players), but knowing how Bethesda is, knowing how they release some fundamental patches and knowing that maaany companies release "fundamental" patches... I think that most companies have "Online Consoles" as a pattern when they make their games and patch them.
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