Think of it this way. California has the lemon law which is differet from most states. It states that basically anything defective within X amount of time or USE is considered a lemon purchase and must be refunded in full amount. Also, it should be illegal to sell a product that is known to be defective without wavering that fact with the customer. This is why you have to sign off for damn near anything that MIGHT have a problem. They wantyou to take responsibility rather then them. I don't remember seeing anyone sign anything when buying skyrim so it is safe to assume, we were not told of known issues at purchase. Everyone would have gotten it for PC if we knew it would have been [censored] on ps3.
Now the only way to stop this from happening to anyone else in the future, you as a people, must due a huge class action law suit in the thousands that make it unignorable so you can get laws passed to protect your rights as a paying customer. If only you would act, this might never happen again.
But please stop crying in the forums about something if you arn't going to do anything about it.