Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 10:03 pm

Does anyone else have this similar bug in Fallout 4? This all happened after the new patch update.

I was doing the Covenant Quest and out of nowhere I went into the sewer to find the missing caravan suspects.

I saved my game because I had to go to class, then I come back and I can't see anything on my screen. I can't see my mini map, I can't see any markers, I can't even see items to pick up. I can only see my character, other characters, Commonwealth, etc. Everything BUT the map, words on my screen telling me what I just picked up, leveled up, or anything in that nature does NOT show up on the screen. It is literally just my character walking around. Does not show ammo count or anything.

I can see the physical in-world items but I cannot see the "press A" to talk, pick up, etc. Does anyone else have this problem? It is preventing me from playing anymore because I cannot see where anything is, let anyone tell what I am picking up. I really hope that there is a solution to this problem because I've invested a lot of time into this game like most of us have and having a bug like this is really aggravating.

If you guys have any suggestions PLEASE drop them here.

NOTE: I have already tried loading other saved games and even those saves have the bug too?! I've even uninstalled the game and it still DOES NOT WORK. I've tried every possible solution. But I am up to try more. BETHESDA, WHY?!!?

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Rachel Eloise Getoutofmyface
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