Massive Bug (ED-E inventory)

Post » Thu Jul 08, 2010 8:04 pm

So just completed the ED-E quest with the followers to download data and upgrade weapons. I saw no place it pushed items, I saw no indication I would lose everything, I saw well... nothing. So after 3 days of RL time playing (PURE luck I have a save which will ONLY loses like a MERE 40 hours of play, f'ing nice) I go to Primm and pick up ED-E and what do I find?


That's right, every single thing in ED-E's inventory that was there when given for the data download was gone. What did I have in his inv? Various miscellaneous objects that are likely replaceable save for some VERY profound and game debilitating ones. ie: ALL of my magazines. Like 50+ of various types. Gone. The unique pistol from camp golf, a unique cleaver and numerous skill books. W ... T ... F!?

Seriously people do you even have a tester crew? I've grown to expect bugs from Bethseda games by all means but holy cow. This is the 5th time I've either had to completely restart my character or lose 10+ hours of game play because of some massive issue. What am I supposed to do? Keep like 5000 save games and save every 3-5 minutes?

Yah I'm frustrated and I have all rights to be. I paid for this thing and frankly while hats off as usual to game content the game itself is well, a whole new level of buggishness from Bethseda. That's being VERY nice.

As a side note, I'm lucky if I play 15-20 minutes without lock-ups. This starts happening around level 8. I spend about half as much time rebooting my PS3 and reloading the freaking game as I spend playing. That's just ridiculous.

Thanks for all the past games but frankly I'm done with this. Going to sell the game to someone willing to deal with the junk and I'm never buying another of your games again. This is pathetic.

Oh and before someone goes off on the technical strengths of fallout games and how awesome they are. Dragon Age Origins (ALL) runs perfect for me and while there are some minor bugs I've never seen a single thing that ever destroyed the entire game play. Maybe someone needs to look to others to set their precedence by example. And don't try to say its all the PS3 because that's clearly total and utter lies.

PS. UG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Never coming back to forums either.
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Guy Pearce
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Post » Fri Jul 09, 2010 3:48 am

so reload a save.
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Kim Bradley
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Post » Fri Jul 09, 2010 7:27 am

So just completed the ED-E quest with the followers to download data and upgrade weapons. I saw no place it pushed items, I saw no indication I would lose everything, I saw well... nothing. So after 3 days of RL time playing (PURE luck I have a save which will ONLY loses like a MERE 40 hours of play, f'ing nice) I go to Primm and pick up ED-E and what do I find?


That's right, every single thing in ED-E's inventory that was there when given for the data download was gone. What did I have in his inv? Various miscellaneous objects that are likely replaceable save for some VERY profound and game debilitating ones. ie: ALL of my magazines. Like 50+ of various types. Gone. The unique pistol from camp golf, a unique cleaver and numerous skill books. W ... T ... F!?

WARNING - Before you hand over ED-E you should remove everything that is in ED-E's inventory, for you will lose it all! If you have had ED-E Wait outside the bunker, he will be gone as soon as you tell Lorenzo he can keep him, and you will not get a chance to recover anything from ED-E's inventory. IMPORTANT NOTE: you can get your items back through the console, first enter "prid 1732d1" and then "OpenTeammateContainer 1". Obviously this only works on PC, but it is confirmed to work (this is also below in the bugs section but I feel it needs more emphasis here).

PS. UG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Never coming back to forums either.

'Bye. :violin:
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Post » Fri Jul 09, 2010 12:15 am

so reload a save.

When you have done quite a bit in the mean time, reloading a save can be a kick in behind.

Happened to me yesterday and I was pretty gutted, Ed-E had tons of my stuff similar to the OP.
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Nathan Maughan
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Post » Fri Jul 09, 2010 12:27 am

Not a bug...Its two different followers. Its not the Original ED-E, its an entirely different character. Of course it won't have your stuff you had it carrying, its not the same character. I realize its supposed to be ED-E but it was probably just easier for them to make a separate character for this. But have you not seen all the disclaimers telling you specifically not to do this? lol
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Katey Meyer
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