I tried the game today on a new laptop I bought for college a few days ago, it's not entirely for gaming but it still runs games well (by my standards). Ex: it runs GTA IV almost max settings (high textures too) with no lag, runs BFBC2 great, etc.
However, Crysis 2 lags terribly on lowest settings on my new laptop (20-30 fps). On my old desktop back in Spring, the game ran at 30+ fps ALWAYS on lowest settings, and I could even bump the settings up to extreme with the framerate dropping below 30 only rarely. Why the new lag, if my new laptop is better than my old desktop? Is it cause of the new patch?
Laptop (lag):
Intel i5-480m 2.66GHz
AMD Radeon 6550 1 GB
Yeah svcky by desktop standards but pretty damn nice for an $800 college laptop
Desktop (ran it fine haven't checked with the new patch):
AMD Athlon 64 X2 4400+ 2.4GHz
NVIDIA 9600GT 512 MB
4 GB DDR3 (maybe DDR2?) RAM
Outdated, hence the new laptop. Ran Crysis 2 great though a few months back.
Thanks for the help; sorry for the long post