No, but they do use RegisterForSingleUpdate() at various times -- I know, according to the Wiki, that is meant to stop a back-log of those; and from knowing my own Scripts (although I'm obviously going to need to double check now :/ ) none of them should be creating items or anything like that every time they run :/
Edit : Update.
I've done a very-quick run through, and usually my Save Files are 4-5mb. How does this sound to people, about right, or...?
The thing is, as soon as I enter Bleaks Falls Barrow, that size increases dramatically-- in the space of a few minutes, just running through, it had gone up to 11, 14, 20, 30mb... So, it seems to be something interacting with whatever is in there, that is not outside...? The only thing I can think off the top of my head is the Draug, since the others are bandits and civilians, but that seems a bit arbitary... ?
Edit : Update 2.
After more experimenting, I've found the cause, but I'm left more confused... Apparently it's neither of those two mods, and my Vampirism Mod which is causing it... The problem is, it hasn't been updated for weeks, and I've been using it without any problem what so ever... Which makes me think it might be some kind of conflict... But I'm still no closer to actually working out what the cause is... Without it installed, my Save Files come in at around 4.5mb, and 1-second save times; apparently that's a little larger than it should be (I read Level 1 should be about 3.5, so 1mb bigger, but I'm guessing that might just be the result of having my Mods installed?)