So, I always see two sides to this one which has me perplexed, seriously perplexed. There are entire threads where people seem to claim the game is way too hard, unbalanced, dunamic levelled mobs are too much of a challenge and other whole threads where people bost that the game is too easy on Master difficulty.
So I wonder if maybe people seem to think that when they crank their difficulty up to master, the game is somehow supposed to still be balanced? Is not the point of master difficulty supposed to challenge the player to the absolute worst possible limit, where you basically need to step on the "exploit line" to succeed?
I just want to say for the record, I love master difficulty, playing a Sword/Destro, heavy armoured Dark elf blacksmith is great. Dragons feel like fighting dragons as I need to plan epically not to die (I am currently level 20). if some bear or mountain lion catches me from behind im totally screwed and not being in Daedric gear/fully enchanted has left me crying in corners, but I love it. I love the fact that the game is actually challenging at times to survive and their are mobs where I reload and go, NOPE! maybe tomorrow. So how can this game be "too hard, yet too easy" or "too unbalanced yet I can tear everythings head off"
It is just confusing to see that there seems to be no real collective agreement on game balance and difficulty. Is the game really unbalanced, or maybe you someones difficulty slider set to maximum and them expecting "balance" at the highest level difficulty?
Continue down that path you have now and the game wont be challenging on Master.
I had a character I rerolled.
An Orc warrior at lvl 35, with legendary dragon armor, two legendary enchanted daedric swords etc.
When a bear or such animals attack me from the back. I dont know. Cause my HP bar dont move, because the armor is too much.
When I swing at him, I dont see him cause before my animation is done the sad panda is dead.
Master is difficult at your level, but its not that its too easy later on. Its very very very hard. Its just that if you keep going down the road of Enchanting, Smithing together with some alchemy, and creating weapons and armor of the sort, together with the strong meelee skills. This game have no challenges in combat, at all. Even dragons is 2 shotted.
I have with my 2nd character (I made others but not counting below lvl 20 chars), that is a lvl 36 archer. I have 0 enchants, 0 alchemy and a few points in smithing.
The game is hard. Im often 1 shotted on Adept despite my 200 hp, on Expert I will be killed fast. I have not even tried master with him cause I cant. Cause I dont have enchant and high smithing.
That the game is challenging, is what I like the most. Im glad you have a challenging time now OP, but if you continue as you do, you wont have.
Master is extremly extremly hard if you dont use secondary skills.
You will be 1 shotted by just about anything.
I agree that there are too many people complaining about both sides of the coin, but iI dont offer any respect or sympathy for those that complains that Master is too easy. Thats only due to how you made your character.
Adept is perfectly balanced and very hard if you have no secondary professions. Its where you will play most of your time as a melee or physical damage user.
The ONLY class that can play on master without smithing, enchanting or alchemy is mages, even pure destruction mages. But around lvl 30+ it starts to be hard.
Then again, they complained so much they made a Mod for that, so its not hard anymore. Cause mages want Master to be the new easy, or they believe they are gimped.
Destruction is completely over the board with damage up until 25+, where it balances out. But I dont mind.
I played a mage too but its not my cup of tea. its a class where you must have enchanting however or you will run dry.