So I wonder if maybe people seem to think that when they crank their difficulty up to master, the game is somehow supposed to still be balanced? Is not the point of master difficulty supposed to challenge the player to the absolute worst possible limit, where you basically need to step on the "exploit line" to succeed?
I just want to say for the record, I love master difficulty, playing a Sword/Destro, heavy armoured Dark elf blacksmith is great. Dragons feel like fighting dragons as I need to plan epically not to die (I am currently level 20). if some bear or mountain lion catches me from behind im totally screwed and not being in Daedric gear/fully enchanted has left me crying in corners, but I love it. I love the fact that the game is actually challenging at times to survive and their are mobs where I reload and go, NOPE! maybe tomorrow. So how can this game be "too hard, yet too easy" or "too unbalanced yet I can tear everythings head off"
It is just confusing to see that there seems to be no real collective agreement on game balance and difficulty. Is the game really unbalanced, or maybe you someones difficulty slider set to maximum and them expecting "balance" at the highest level difficulty?