Master Difficulty

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:00 am

I bought this game on release day, played it on novice difficulty (it was automatically set to that, I think due to it going off the preset on my Xbox 360), and had a great time slaying anything that stood in my path. Unfortunately I came across a broken quest, and I felt like my game was tainted, so I started again afresh. Only, this time, I decided to grow a pair and play on master difficulty.

Well, punishing doesn't really do it any justice does it? I don't want to spoil it or anything, but amongst the earlier quests you are sent to see the Greybeards, and well, let's just say I had to go and do other side quests and various other things to get my character (a Nord Warrior-type build), to level 30. Only then could I even traverse the mountain. Snow bears are monsters, I tell you, monsters!

Is anyone else really struggling on this difficulty? I know it should be difficult but really, when it takes a ridiculous amount of levelling your skills and character just to do one of the earliest missions in the game, it does make you wonder.

Other than that, great game, on par with Morrowind as my favourite. I hope the bugs and glitches go away soon though, I have three of the same NPC standing outside Whiterun at the minute, all speaking at the same time...
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Vicky Keeler
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:34 am

Two handed warrior are awful. If you are using sword and board, the problem lies with you not Master.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:46 pm

I find that the difficulty of enemies vary greatly regardless of what you set it to. Bandits and Stormcloaks fall like wheat to a scythe even on Master, while elder dragons and ice bears are death-mongers if you don't come prepared
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Alan Cutler
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:37 am

I've only played on master difficulty and apart from been 1 shotted (due to my character not wearing any armor) i have no problems at all.

My 3rd character, a dual conjured sword mage has had no problems running around skyrim in rags ( i dont sneak either).

You just gotta be careful and if you are going toe to toe with anything, you gotta get in and get in fast. Other wise you have to gear up fairly well so your not chuggin down health pots all the time
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:23 pm

I don't find master difficulty too hard, but I played adept until I got enchanting to 100 and was able to do double enchants, which helped a LOT (which happened around level 15).

I'm playing a mage and with stagger I think master is still too easy. Most stuff 1 or 2-shots me but if I can keep it staggered or just kite it or run out of line of sight, it's not too bad. A few things gave me huge trouble though -- Alduin (because he bugged back up to 100% health when he was almost dead) and Orchendor, who was impossible for me to do higher than Adept.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:17 am

How is it set on novice?

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Charlie Ramsden
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:43 pm

Two handed warrior are awful. If you are using sword and board, the problem lies with you not Master.

I generally use one-handed with either shield or spell (usually healing) in the off hand. I'm not kidding, the first real dungeon, Bleak Falls Barrow, took me around an hour or two to complete. Every draugrwas a challenge. Now I'm at level 41, and most enemies are easily defeated with the right strategy, but most of the mages will just OHK me with a fireball out of nowhere. I hope it's not just down to me and my playstyle, I've played enough games in my lifetime to know how to play well haha. I'm literally wearing full legendary daedric armor with defensive enchantments on all, and I'm still running into certain death with high-level draugrs and most mages.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:02 am

I am playing through on master difficulty - and staying at level 1. Some of the fights are really, really hard - especially creatures. Falmer, Snow Trolls and especially Dragons are instant death. I'm about 1/2 way through the main quest, and almost finished the mages guild (level 1 archmage, here we come).

Some of the dungeons have taken 3-4 hours to clear, but the challenge has been fun. To cope, I have been levelling every combat skill and finding that each fight takes different tactics - some enemies are more vulnerable to magic, and others to melee. Levelling crafting has also been a must - without improved armor, even a lowly Draugr can almost 1-shot me.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:24 am

Two handed warrior are awful. If you are using sword and board, the problem lies with you not Master.

*looks at my level 36 two nord two hander that's played on master from the start*

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Josephine Gowing
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