Well, punishing doesn't really do it any justice does it? I don't want to spoil it or anything, but amongst the earlier quests you are sent to see the Greybeards, and well, let's just say I had to go and do other side quests and various other things to get my character (a Nord Warrior-type build), to level 30. Only then could I even traverse the mountain. Snow bears are monsters, I tell you, monsters!
Is anyone else really struggling on this difficulty? I know it should be difficult but really, when it takes a ridiculous amount of levelling your skills and character just to do one of the earliest missions in the game, it does make you wonder.
Other than that, great game, on par with Morrowind as my favourite. I hope the bugs and glitches go away soon though, I have three of the same NPC standing outside Whiterun at the minute, all speaking at the same time...