» Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:16 am
"i-r-am heroz, wey needz da mathmak fur suprheroh ?"
This is why we can′t have RPG′s these days. Do people even consider what the two letters "R" and "P" stand for ? To clarify it′s "role" and "play", you know, like role-playing, as in playing a role.
RPG's are not about random encounters, they are not about dice rolls, they are not about saving the world as a hero, they are about creating a role for yourself to play as, be it that you wish to play as a simple farmer, a humble bard or even a divine knight.
Here is a simple yet pure example of an RPG.
You don′t get to chose a race here but there have to be some limits sometimes, like even in TES you have to play as a humanoid, no avoiding that. But this game is about the choices you make, your character get better at areas it practices and it has an impact on how you perform when making certain choices, but the main thing is that you choose what you role-play as.
Will you be a tyrant ruler ? An honorable king, a smart dragon, a weak dragon, a brutish dragon, a honorable dragon... and so on and so on.
I′d love to see a matchmaker guild in some TES game, it means options and I′m all for option, I′m not saying that I′m against arguing against such a guild, there are many valid reasons for there not to be a matchmaking guild.
You being the "dragonborn" and the "hero" is not one of them, if so then we may as well categorize the game as a pure adventure game removing the RP-title, because that is what it would be without the option of playing your own role, being your own personality, making your own choices.
Sorry if I sound rude and bitter, it′s probably because I am bitter about the decline in RPG′s, they are vanishing and while people who want adventure games and hack and slash games have hundreds of choices when it comes to picking a game in the genre they like, they still wish to change the few remaining RPG′s to suit their needs, and that makes me boil a little how people want there to be 0 games for people like me who like RPG′s just so that they can add a few games to their own favorite genres that already have a ton of good titles for their own genre, I think it′s fair that the RPG genre gets at least one or two games per decade when every other genre gets even up to a hundred titles per decade, there is no need to convert the few remaining RPG titles into other genres.