it would probably work.... but all heavy armor is made from some kind of metal, so anyone wearing heavy armor would get destroyed by a mage with lightning spells
I think this would make mages way too powerful.. I mean any furwearing guy (Which I imagine there are alot of in skyrim) is easily defeated by fire, whilst any metal wearing guy is easily defeated by lightning
This seems to be a common fallacy. a man in steel plate WOULD be easy TO HIT as his armor acts a lighting rod. However, all the energy would still prefer his armor over surrounding environment (namely flesh) and would pass to ground (relatively) harmlessly.
As far as fire goes, being on fire would be bad. But not necessarily as bad as being exposed to raw flame. consider touching a Bunsen burner's flame. then consider touching one with fur. Fur lights, but not instantly, and the fact that there is ANYTHING in between you and the flame is better than nothing. Also, I like to think that magic fire intended to kill outright is much hotter than the energy released by some hair on fire. It should be (mild) damage over time at best. In all cases, the armor itself should take massive damage and deplete itself fairly quickly (allowing for a real weakness to magic) armor wear in oblivion was practically just a justification for armorer skill (and hammer weight) since armor lasts so long. when was the last time you picked up an NPC's armor and noticed it was too wore out to provide any protection? how did you defeat his armor if its in 90-99% perfect condition? armor's durability should directly relate to a persons "staying" power in a fight and not just be a justification for another skill. When your armors up, its time to run, full health bar or not.
I agree with this idea very much. take chainmail for example, it's strong against slashing cutting strikes, but often chain mail would fail when struck with an arrow or spear as the sharp point would split the rings and force it's way through.I would also argue that elemental destruction spells (fire, frost shock) shouldn't be resisted by magic resistance, but require actual fire/frost/shock resistance. After all, the 'magic' part is creating the spell, the resulting fire or lightning bolt is a physical manifestation.
Mail is very effective armor and should not be (necessarily) considered light. It could weight as much or more as plate. Its also very effective against piercing attacks, but if anything, it would be defeated by a pierce or a bludgeon. If anything, it shouldn't be considers 'weak' to piercing, it should be strong to piercing, but strong still to slashing.
I strongly agree with this logic on elemental magic and how it relates to real world (in the game) elements.
I think shade's system adds a lot of weight to an idea that is not mainstream gaming. Swords DO have mass. they DO do blunt damage. weapons shouldn't (realistically speaking ofc) be considered slash pierce OR blunt. A staff can pierce if you put enough force behind it. How many stories have you heard of tornado's pushing 2x4s thru brick walls?
Many people are complaining about having armor that doesn't fit the situation. This is not something to complain about, it is a feature not a fault. Part of the RP experience is to make meaningful choices, if your choices all are equally effective then you have not made a choice at all. go play progress quest.
I'm not joking. play it. You owe it to the community. No DL, play in your browser. Will only take (literally) 30 sec to start.