the problem is that most voters probably never played morrowind

they dont know what i mean when i talk about all these fantastic things. and others dont know what a dao is, so they asume it is wrong to have a weapon they dont know about. daos are awsome
No, I've played Morrowind. I don't agree on many of the materials though. Reasons:
* Adamantium was not part of Morrowind, it came with a plugin to fill the non metal gap in medium, and wasn't even complete then.
* Daedric makes sense, and I doubt we'll loose it. But Dremora armor? Doesn't make sense to me.
* Chitin, specific to Vvardenfell, doesn't fit.
* Bonemold, specific to Vvardenfell, doesn't fit.
* Netch leather, specific to Vvardenfell, doesn't fit.
* Daedra skin???
* Indoril is based on Chitin, so also can't be in.
* I thought Golden Saint wore Dwarven material but in Elvish style?
As for "being imported", what's the status of Vvardenfell?
I even have mental issues conceptualizing glass as a material to be used this way. It's a liquid, needs to be thick (thus heavy, not light), or brittle if you want it thin enough to mold and make joints in. If it was up to me, I'd remove that too

If anything, a wooden club with glass shards in it.
Many of the materials certainly don't qualify as weapons, although I'm not sure if armor is also included. Silver is opposite, it doesn't make sense as an armor.
As for materials for weapons, I think wood, rock, iron, steel, orchish, silver, dwarven, ebony and daedric covers most possibilities (wood and rock for cheap in the field crafting). Maaaaybe elven and mithril, but to me elven sounds more like a style, and mithril more like something only for armor (could replace glass on the light end). Maybe there will be new weapon materials adjusted for the setting, like crafting from mammoth tusks or dragon bone, who knows.
For armor, I think various furs and leathers (treatment based), then iron, steel (qualities), mithril, orchish, dwarden, ebony and daedric covers most possibilities, but maybe throw in dragonscale to suit the setting.
What I'm hoping, is using different materials for different styles wrt armor. I.e. many kinds of furs could be used for the same "fur'ish design". Leathers in different variant all used a common "leather design", some materials for classic "medieval design" and others for classic "elven design". And/or different "tribal designs".
Weapon styles *must* be culture based. Having one guy in a tribe/faction/whatever using a katana and another using a broadsword and a third using a viking mace, would clash badly. If this is civil war, let one side favor medieval style, the other side japanese (or asian) style, and some third side the viking style. Maybe the fact that someone is not carrying the "correct" style of weapon, is the reason you suspect him for being a traitor? Could be cool

Maybe just the Blades use japanese (or asian) style? I don't want everything to be just "thrown in there and let's see what happens", although BGS haven't really disappointed lately with this.