body type in the game of Brink.
You may be asking:
"If I am a heavy, I cannot use the S.M.A.R.T. system, but I can take a lot of damage and use heavy weapons."
"If I am light, I can jump around like crazy, but i cannot use heavy weapons."
Now, these statements sound like they are true, but my GameStop clerk actually went to Pax and was apparently the #3 guy on the Brink Demo
leader boards, and this is what he told me about the body types of the game in a chart that I have formed:
-The Heavy Body Type-
Agility: Low, but you still have some agility vs none at all
Damage Resistance: High
Use of Heavy Weaponry: Extremely Well
-The Medium Body Type-
Agility: Good
Damage Resistance: Average
Use of Heavy Weaponry: Good, but you move slower while holding it vs how the Heavy handles it
-The Light Body Type-
Agility: Extremely Good
Damage Resistance: Low
Use of Heavy Weaponry: Low, with the same aspects of the medium but moving even slower.
So with this information I have gathered, there are no limitations to the weaponry and agility options that you have.
There are just some body types that are better than others in certain aspects.