So to the topic, Dark messiahs presentation of combat and magic is outstanding, the heavy attacks assigned to holding the mouse button and wasd works the same way as oblivions, but it just feels so much better, the attacks have force and feel like they cut into enemies when you land a hit, and while the regular swinging feels lighter and weirder than oblivions you hardly need to use them. (skyrim seems to have reegular one press swings nailed)
Another thing is the way the magic is shown, like in skyrim you have to equip magic as you would a weapon and the character then counjoures it and holds it untill you release it, it then has to be charged back up, it is not the mechanic of magic i admire though more so the presentation of it, take fireball for instance:
Oblivion: flings out a tiny ball of coloured light out effortlessly with one hand
Dark messiah: You character starts with both hands clasped shut and slowly forms a small ball of fire and while moving his hands around it forms it into a larger one, if the player doesn't fire it straight off he will tend to it while equipped having it keep form by moving his hands around it.
Its the little details in games that get me interested and more immersed
Most other aspects of dark messiah are pretty cool, but thats all, its not open world and only keeps me interested due to its gameplay.
So boys and girls, im guess some of you will know this and some wont, ZeniMax (bethesdas partner or the other way around, im not sure) acquired arkane studios (the makers of dark messiah) last year to possibly be work on skyrim (rumoured) . and while this is old news i thought it worth mentioning. all of you pessimists picking at everything wrong with the months old footage we were shown of skyrim at E3 Go play dark messiah, while keeping in mind that those guys might be working on skyrim with bethesda. it should encourage you some more to have a little more trust in bethesda to make an awesome game.
Overall i just think people need to stop worrying, also the anticipation for skyrim is so bad whenever theres no news i find myself coming back to theese forums and getting involved with discussions, its just people are so negetive about everything.