So we have heard that blocking now happens by once pressing the block button and from how I've understood it, successfully doing this would take away all the damage from the blow. In Morrowind, successfully blocking took away all the damage and the only real differences between the shields was the overall protection rate they offered, in addition to different enchantability as far as I know, correct me on that if I'm wrong. Now in Oblivion, no matter what shield you had, some damage always came through where the difference between types of shields came again in overall protection and the block rate at which damage was reduced by successfully blocking. At this point, you might be wondering what I'm aiming at, so let me explain.
Protection outside of blocking:
A shield that is not being used, not used as in not when you block with it, shouldn't in my opinion offer you any protection against attacks as if it was an additional piece of steel on your chest as it was in both MW and OB. At the same time I'm a bit worried, if blocking really will take away all damage from a blow, as that would mean no matter what type of shield you use, be it leather, fur, glass or deadric would be just as effective at blocking. So now to my point, how should they be different?
Differences, Shields:
The obvious differeces could be the overall weight, durability and the stamina consumed when blocking. Now that enchant is back in the book of skills, it might also include differences in enchantaby. Overall protection offered is something I sure hope is not included, but that would really be a good way to make differences between heavy and light shields.
Difference, Weapons:
Now I come to the weapons and blocking. The obvious downside of not using a shield is probably going to be the 100% damage reduction from blocking with shields being unable for only weapon users. But how will the different materials differ from eachother here? Iron, silver and deadric. The obvious factors here would again be stamina consumption, weight and durability. But what else could be / should be included to make them really differ from eachother?
An idea about durability:
And interesting idea about the durability of shields and weapons that I have thought of, to really make materials be different from eachother: The stronger the material, the more durability they have to begin with, but in addition to that, they would have "protection" against other materials that are much weaker than them. You might not have understood what I meant, so let me explain a bit more with an example. A deadric sword is really tough and powerful, indeed so much that if you would clash an iron longsword and a deadric longsword together the iron longsword could snap in half with a single strike, without damaging the deadric sword at all. This would be true for shields too, attacking a deadric shield with an iron sword could break the iron sword, while attacking an iron shield with a deadric sword could break the shield. This would really add difference to the weapons and shields without having to make the deadric sword ten times as strong when it comes to damage as an iron sword.
End of post:
Discuss everything that has with materials of weapons and shields here and how the should differ from eachother.