Max Damage : Can you beat it?

Post » Mon Feb 02, 2015 11:43 pm

Hello good people!

Today we will be exploring the max possible damage that you can have in Skyrim. Before we get started, I have a few points that need to be made:

-No Restoration Glitches!
-I have undoubtedly missed some things that can raise your max damage. If you know of something please feel free to post it in the comments below.
-Dual wielding sneak attacks are out, due to them hitting more that once
-I am not taking things like falling damage into account as these can scale indefinitely.
-Only Dragonborn DLC is required (I think)
-Necromage and vampirism increases perk, potion and enchantment strength by 25%

-This goes in conjunction with another thread I have made about maximizing your Skyrim character:
I recommend looking at this thread first.

Ok, let's get started!

First off, we will not be using a dagger. I know that the 30x sneak can be amazing, but daggers are not affected by one handed damage enchantments.

Our gear will be as follows:


Weapon: Dragonbone Mace (36,550 damage, 283 chaos damage, 182 fire damage. This is with a one handed potion.)
Head: Doesn't Matter
Chest: Doesn't matter
Guantlets: Ancient shrouded gloves
Boots: 70% increased one handed damage
Amulet:70% increased one handed damage
Ring: 70% increased one handed damage
-These armor enchants are boosted by 25% due to vampirism and necromage.
-Anything I haven't listed can be enchanted as you see fit. Be sure to use extra effect as well.

Now will be a list of the damage increases/multipliers on top of our base 36,550 damage:
-Backstab (perk) for 6x one handed sneak damage
-Ancient Shrouded Gloves for double sneak multiplier
-Berserker Rage (power) for double physical damage
-Power attack for 2x physical damage
-849 points of chaos damage, 182 points of fire damage
-12150 points poison damage (requires Jarrin root)
-11 points from a critical strike

Now lets put all that together.

36,550 Base Damage + 11 for critical strike = 36,561
36,561 x 2 from power attack = 73,122
73,122 x 2 from Berserker rage = 146,244
146,244 x 12 sneak multiplier = 1,754,928
1,754,928 + 849 chaos + 182 fire + 12150 poison = 1,768,109 Damage

1,768,109 points of damage.

To put that in perspective, that is enough damage to:
-One shot the ebony warrior 213 times on legendary difficulty.
-One shot a legendary dragon 106 times on legendary difficulty.

Now I do understand that all you need is about 17,000 damage to one shot anything on legendary difficulty, but hey, what fun is that?

Again, if you know of a way to increase the damage even farther please share in the comments.

If you want me to make another thread similar to this, please notify me in the comments.

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