All dmg based on 20 strength.
Melee crit multipliers are 250% from better crits, 50% from grognak mags and 25% from the melee bobblehead (ostensibly, there's no in game indication).
How this adds up is anyone's guess, im working with the assumption that crits triple damage.
Bloodied seems to cap out at 300% damage, with nerd rage proc'd I got 1604 damage with a heavy sledgehammer, a non legendary version does 860 for comparison.
So a triggered critical sneak attack crit at 10.6x should yield 51k damage with 20% hp. This can be maintained with radiation and a Power armor chest mod.
Lucky Supersledge(without nerd rage because unrelated) yields 600+60 x 6.5 x10.6 so 45.5k on a sneak crit crit. But thats all the time. With nerd rage proc'd it beats bloodied.
Instigating does 14k under the same conditions and only if the enemy hasn't been hit.
Furious is basically useless as it would take forever to build up enough hits to match the other multipliers. Furious ripper doesn't work like you'd think but outperforms everything else ive seen.
I can't test junkie because im immune to addiction.
Mighty is worthless because of the low multiplier as well.
Wounding only pays off on a ripper.