Maxed Enchanting + Black smithing makes imbalanced weapons /

Post » Fri Dec 02, 2011 11:08 am

So because YOU exploited a system knowingly and willingly to make a 900+ damage weapon it's somehow the games fault?

Protip: Just don't do it. I'm using the regular constraints of the smithing skill and find it plenty enough to keep some of the challenge, but still feel powerful.
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Eileen Müller
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Post » Fri Dec 02, 2011 11:13 am

On the upshot, if you are happy to only enchant to within reason then you can turn low-end gear into something worth using, and run around in gear that looks cool (I personally can't say I'm a fan of the end game armours)

This, or the other way around (end game armor with minor effects). Though that is if one is into self-gimping.
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Adam Porter
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Post » Thu Dec 01, 2011 11:24 pm

lol, I love how on the same board there is one discussion on how enchanting and smithing are overpowered and another someone saying they are a waste of time and underpowered. Really if you have maxed out two skills you would expect them to have a massive effect. If I max out heavy armour and two handed weapons I want to be able to empty a dungeon without trying. If I max out stealth and one handed I want to be able to sneak around killing anything that gets in my way. Why would these skills be any different? You have basicly made a character into a legendary smith and are then suprising he makes legendary gear....
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Auguste Bartholdi
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Post » Fri Dec 02, 2011 9:20 am

Complaining that the best items in the game are overpowered is pretty silly. You've gone out of your way to create the problem you're complaining about.


Not saying that the OP is like this, but....

There are a class of gamers out there who feel that doing anything but the absolute best / most powerful / most efficient thing, is playing "wrong". And when a game isn't balanced to give that playstyle enough challenge, they say that they shouldn't have to "gimp themselves" or "self nerf" in order for the game to work right. And that the game shouldn't have allowed them to become so powerful.

I always hated these people. There were a ton of them in the FO3 section when they realized that putting INT to 10 let them max out their character, then they [censored]ed that they could become gods yet refused to do anything other than 10 INT. There is no talking with these people IMO
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Lillian Cawfield
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Post » Fri Dec 02, 2011 3:13 am

if it were me soon will be i would make good use of them oh look a empty town :evil:
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Jessica Raven
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Post » Fri Dec 02, 2011 4:10 am

Is it really that good? I mean, how quickly do the Enchanting effects wear off and how easy is it to obtain the decent soul gems?

I might give it a go if it's not too much hassle.
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trisha punch
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Post » Fri Dec 02, 2011 7:47 am

Is it really that good? I mean, how quickly do the Enchanting effects wear off and how easy is it to obtain the decent soul gems?

I might give it a go if it's not too much hassle.

Enchanting effects never run out. They are permanent. Both skills go up fairly fast.
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Post » Fri Dec 02, 2011 2:26 am

Is it really that good? I mean, how quickly do the Enchanting effects wear off and how easy is it to obtain the decent soul gems?

I might give it a go if it's not too much hassle.

there's a refillable grand or black soul gem, recharging end game is no problem

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Maya Maya
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Post » Fri Dec 02, 2011 1:59 am

you know I have done a little enchanting and smithing its ok seems cool but i like to just steal my gear give me a safe to pick and im on it it is all about how you play them game man if you want to be come a master enchanter smith well u just might be uber at killing things but if u want to fight things and have them all most kill you be a a diffrent class my thief wins fights but all most died every time i have to really think about who im fighting and how to sneak up on them enchanted weps help a lot but try looking for them in stead of making them. might make yout game play funner who knows
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Wayland Neace
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Post » Thu Dec 01, 2011 9:12 pm

Correction, people who LACK ANY RESTRAINT AND WILLPOWER make imbalanced weapons and armor. Stupid people do so only then to complain about it.

Your statement is a complete and utter logical fallacy. A player shouldn't have to "restrain" themselves in order not to experience a broken system. That's a worse argument than "if you don't like it, don't use it."

You can one shoot dragons and anything else with one power attack dual wielding two steal-maces (not-enchanted not-improved) on the hiqhest difficulty,
100 sneak ( 1 starting perk only + maxing perks on left side and only getting the x3 for bow and x6 for one-handed) + 100% alchemy ( getting everything below the double-use perk with that perk ) + 50% one-handed ( going right into the dual wield + upgrading the 1 perk as I level )

Thats 8 perks for stealth + 9 alchemy + 7 one-handed = 24 perk so lvl 25 your goodlike and thats easily done just sneaking around and training alchemy (alchemy trainer) every new lvl.

You honestly don't need a single perk point in alchemy at all in order to be "God-like" as a stealth character. The sneak perks alone allow a player to 1-shot almost any target with an iron dagger.

This, or the other way around (end game armor with minor effects). Though that is if one is into self-gimping.

The idea of self-gimping or hindering one's own abilities because of an imbalanced system is absurd.
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Post » Fri Dec 02, 2011 7:01 am

Enchanting effects never run out. They are permanent. Both skills go up fairly fast.

Wow, really? I thought the weapon ones lost there effect after a while or something. That's great.

there's a refillable grand or black soul gem, recharging end game is no problem


Yeah, I'll start Enchanting my gear for sure.
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Jonathan Braz
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Post » Fri Dec 02, 2011 1:25 am


I always hated these people. There were a ton of them in the FO3 section when they realized that putting INT to 10 let them max out their character, then they [censored]ed that they could become gods yet refused to do anything other than 10 INT. There is no talking with these people IMO

Yeah, wanting the game to be balanced is horrible.

I don't see how it shouldn't be considered an issue if certain skills and builds are clearly superior, clearly broken and/or exploitable. If you like designing characters, it is very irritating when the line between what's an exploit and what isn't is so blurry. It's also irritating when there's essentially no choice between play styles - it shouldn't be 100% certain that playing melee or archery is just objectively better than playing a mage. Currently there's no real argument, you can't make a case that a mage is better than, or as good as, a warrior or archer or thief. No one wants to be gimped, but no one wants the game to be trivial either. The people using this weren't necessarily trying to exploit, they were trying to make their character as effective as possible - there's nothing wrong with that. They didn't go into the console and give themselves god mode and then complain that it was too easy.
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Your Mum
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Post » Fri Dec 02, 2011 1:34 am

So because YOU exploited a system knowingly and willingly to make a 900+ damage weapon it's somehow the games fault?

Protip: Just don't do it. I'm using the regular constraints of the smithing skill and find it plenty enough to keep some of the challenge, but still feel powerful.

Smithing and alchemy arent actualy an exploit because they have a finite cap on them and its not that much of a deal breaker. Smithing normaly would make your gear awsome and the`re are normal generic enchanted gear for smithing and normal generic alchemy potions with better % in smithing.
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Beth Belcher
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Post » Fri Dec 02, 2011 7:50 am

Wish I would have seen this post or a post like it a few days ago. I did the enchant/smith route as well because I like being a crafter and being self reliant with gear, but all I ended up doing was breaking the game. The gear can even be a bit more modest than the stuff in the original post and it will still be too powerful, even on master difficulty. The biggest problem with it I think was that they allowed you to stack the same skill modifier on 4 pieces of equipment (+45% to two hand damage x4 is just crazy). I am going to make new gear and enchant it and put no skill modifiers on them. Hopefully that will balance stuff out, but it isn't fun having to do this because the game can't keep up with my gear.
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Greg Cavaliere
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Post » Thu Dec 01, 2011 9:59 pm

I have enchanting/duel weild/blacksmithing and I totally mob anything in my path. Playing on 2nd to highest difficulty. Found out you can double power swing when duelweilding so I put more points into stamina then health, and im at the point where I just power swing thru mobs of 3-4 guys like its nothing.
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Post » Thu Dec 01, 2011 11:57 pm

I don't see how this is a problem... If you have earned those skills it is not more than right to be awesome...

what are you talking about.. fighting in itself is awesome, when you greatly enchant your weapons and still you dont kill enemy easily, thats awesome.. 1-3hit kills are pathetic experience that should be discarded from game as soon as possible.

Sure stee_vo if you are 11 year old then you can enjoy 1hit kill everything.
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Steven Hardman
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Post » Fri Dec 02, 2011 12:10 am

I would never, EVER use those items. Even if I made them myself.

So you make them, then complain they're too powerful? I feel like I'm the only person that understands if an item is too strong or too weak, I'll use a different item. I don't use dragon or daedric, despite having full sets of both.
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Post » Fri Dec 02, 2011 1:52 am

I just crafted a daedric dagger, then maxed it to legendary, it now has 43 attack for me, and I get 30x sneak crit damage (perk+dark brother hood armor). This results in 1290 damage ha, considering 90 sneak+all sneak perks so far. Going to pretty dam strong.

Also where do you get that armor?
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Kaley X
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Post » Thu Dec 01, 2011 10:24 pm

what are you talking about.. fighting in itself is awesome, when you greatly enchant your weapons and still you dont kill enemy easily, thats awesome.. 1-3hit kills are pathetic experience that should be discarded from game as soon as possible.

Sure stee_vo if you are 11 year old then you can enjoy 1hit kill everything.

Yasee, that's the leveling problem we had in Oblivion. No matter the skill/level, the enemies just kept up. I WANT to leave petty bandits in the dust. Of course, I'm also fine with bigger fish to fry too, that's part of the accomplishment. Once these bigger fish could roflstomp pathetic little single-digit-level you, but now you're a big fish too.

And calling a stee_vo a 11 year old for pointing out the obvious that maxed crafting skills makes awesome stuff is not really a good idea.
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Chloe Yarnall
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Post » Fri Dec 02, 2011 10:30 am

i said if he is 11.. the challenge has to be, if there will be no challenge, then you will get bored, or at most, you will speedrun through all dungeons and other places and then what?
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Ricky Rayner
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Post » Fri Dec 02, 2011 7:20 am

i said if he is 11.. the challenge has to be, if there will be no challenge, then you will get bored, or at most, you will speedrun through all dungeons and other places and then what?

Hours logged in MW as a near-immortal destroyer of all: 3000
Hours logged in OB as an equal to all bandits and marauders: 50

Not everyone plays the way you do, so such blanket statements are incorrect.
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saharen beauty
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Post » Fri Dec 02, 2011 8:36 am

I always hated these people. There were a ton of them in the FO3 section when they realized that putting INT to 10 let them max out their character, then they [censored]ed that they could become gods yet refused to do anything other than 10 INT. There is no talking with these people IMO

And why do you hate those people?

I think i can safely say I am one of them, so let me explain the "why" of it:

When I pick up a RPG game, I mostly do because what I love doing is maximizing. I love taking a class/toon/champ/etc and taking it as far as I can.

Its not about "playing right" vs "playing wrong", its more to the liking of "playing to the best of my ability in order to make my character the best he can possibly be".

When I take sub-par choices conciously, I am not playing to the best of my ability. I am basically playing a game where I dont want to take the best decision possible in terms of character customization, because that decision would make the game unchallenging and boring.

Aka, yes, it feels like I am "gimping myself" or giving myself a handicap, when all I want is to push my toon to the limits of its capacity, because I have to basically shoot myself in the feet to keep the game fun.

Sorry if you disagree, but no gamer should ever be told by a gaming company to NOT use a feature in the game if they dont want it to be broken. Thats just wrong!
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Javier Borjas
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Post » Fri Dec 02, 2011 8:46 am

I swear, you'd almost think that this game had PvP in it
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ANaIs GRelot
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Post » Fri Dec 02, 2011 7:01 am

One thing of note for those defending that this is balanced...

The combination of master Enchanting/Alchemy/Smithing make it so that almost any style can be recreated. The issue is not that its "too powerful" but rather, that if you want to truly be a master of heavy armour, then you first should look to being a better enchanter/alchemist/blacksmith, and then improve your heavy armour.

In other words, lets say someone focuses on Heavy Armour, Block, and One-Hander (traditional knight sword and board style, arguably highly effective in Skyrim in its own right, certainly an enjoyable play style, if a bit simple). They have 100 in those three skills, and perks assigned accordingly.

I submit that it might be superior for such a style to actually be performed through Alc/Enhc/Smith (as in, having the crafting skills at 100 and perked out is superior to having the "actual" combat skills at 100 and perked out). This is done by using Alchemy to buff enchanting, so as to make gear that buffs smithing and alchemy (and do this up until diminishing returns are hit, 3 times roughly), then using alchemy and enchanted gear to smith the ultimate armour, improve it, and finally, enchanting said armour and weapons with the proper fortify one-hander/fortify block/fortify heavy armour (along with anything else thats useful, such as +carry weight to make up for lacking the conditioning perk). This results in a set of armour, weapons, and accessories that rival anything that can be found by normal means in the game. As such, I propose that this gear is actually superior to the "normal" gear a traditional Heavy Armour/One-Hand/Block character can ever possibly find by such levels.

Sure, lacking the perks makes it a bit more difficult to truly compare the two build types, but its still a matter that the Smithing/Enchanting/Alchemy combo is also highly portable, and can be used to recreate almost any other set of skills. Add to that that you can still easily add perks to the other skills with little issue after maxing these three, and you find that its pretty much 100% guaranteed that alc/enhc/smithing is always a good investment of perks.

Of course, this example is inside a vacuum, and never would occur in the normal game , but still, its an interesting though experiment

Now, I'm not saying that it shouldn't be powerful, I just find it odd that it results in a superior result than actually speccing in the skill itself. I don't mind that the combination of the two results in a godlike playthrough (thats always fun in its own right anyway), its just that it seems that as it is right now, alc/enh/smith is a near no-brainer when it comes to power building characters. Obviously some don't care about power-gaming (and thats alright, I'm not some elitist who says you're playing it wrong), but still, I find it sad that in all likelihood, alc/enhc/smith is pretty much a requirement to making the strongest character possible.

The issue here is the synergy of the 3 skills. Alchemy and Enchanting improve each other, and those two improve smithing. Fortunately, there is no fortify alchemy potion effect, or a fortify enchanting enchant effect, otherwise the game would crack in two. Dual Enchanting allows for some pretty broken combinations of enchants, and heavy armour smithing is simply the way to go (as it gets daedric in its tree for weapons).
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Post » Fri Dec 02, 2011 9:11 am

And why do you hate those people?

I think i can safely say I am one of them, so let me explain the "why" of it:

When I pick up a RPG game, I mostly do because what I love doing is maximizing. I love taking a class/toon/champ/etc and taking it as far as I can.

Its not about "playing right" vs "playing wrong", its more to the liking of "playing to the best of my ability in order to make my character the best he can possibly be".

When I take sub-par choices conciously, I am not playing to the best of my ability. I am basically playing a game where I dont want to take the best decision possible in terms of character customization, because that decision would make the game unchallenging and boring.

Aka, yes, it feels like I am "gimping myself" or giving myself a handicap, when all I want is to push my toon to the limits of its capacity, because I have to basically shoot myself in the feet to keep the game fun.

Sorry if you disagree, but no gamer should ever be told by a gaming company to NOT use a feature in the game if they dont want it to be broken. Thats just wrong!

Min/Maxing is BORING. It is most certainly not "playing to the best of my ability in order to make my character the best he can possibly be". Every TES had a way to be unbeatable that was discovered fairly soon after the game was released, put in the wiki, and hence all the min/maxers have the SAME character with the same build. What's the fun in that? If you want to do that it's fine, but the best your character can possibly be is the character you want to make whether the skills you select are the best path to being uber-powerful or not.
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