My main characters have always been thieves or magi type. In the days of being obsessed with Oblivion a month or so after its release my main character was a high level assassin.
I loved this character and loved the fact I could sneak around places. However, I always felt there were severe flaws in the mechanics of how stealth worked. I'm hoping some of these issues are being considered in Skyrim.
First. You're underground in a cave with little or no light and you're in stealth mode. You can see an ogre (or insert creature here) in the distance. You can see it plain as day, but... even though you're sitting right in the middle of a 5 ft wide passage, you can't be detected as you're 'sneak' skill is over 30 and ... you're crouched?. I can appreciate the dynamics and reasons behind this, but I do hope the way the character moves has been thought about.
Take games like splinter cell: conviction whereby the character actually places his back up against the wall/car/object and slides along fluidly. This i could believe with regards to a cave dwelling creature not being able to detect me. I see something in the distance... it catches a glimpse of me and suddenly I hit the stealth and the character then reacts with the environment around. Whether it's back against a wall, back against a tree, hiding behind a boulder etc. and the creature goes to investigate. The actual motions of the character isn't anything new it's something that's been around in games for several years. Also, with back pressed against object/wall, I think this would be fantastic at incorporating the sneak attack with a dagger as it unsuspectingly walks past.
Also, whilst we're on the subject of stealth, I hope the NPC's react to trespassing a bit more realistically. If I sneak into Dorothy's house at 3.30 in the morning and i get caught, i want there to be repercussions! chase me around with a frying pan, attack me with a fork! do something to chase me out of your home and alert the guards until I manage to sneak away, or beat the old hag down to silence her! Not just... "you're not supposed to be in here".. "ah... you're right... sorry, I'll leave"... "thanks!"
Anyway, always loved the series, can't wait for this one. Just thought I'd throw my 2c about the stealth!
Anyone else agree? or is it only me that seems to like being chased with kitchen utensils?