» Mon Mar 21, 2011 12:14 pm
Personally ive only ever seen 1 person bar myself with Max nanosuit and im level 50 lol.
IMO using an HMG is the worst thing u can do with the max nanosuit, u move so slow and a full clip of bullets will take u down, I personally prefer it with my shotgun, holding in the sprint button going through trillions of people, im aware that the kill limit is 50 but i still kill trillions.
PS. yesterday with Max nanosuit i had a ragequitkillxbox moment, max nanosuit, shotgun, charged to an unsuspecting sniper and power jumped right infront of him and died. Wtf? Turns out this sniper someone stealthkilled me as i charged at him from the front.... huh.
What the hell were you doing while that person was firing a full magazine of bullets into you? The HMG is literally a 1-2 hit kill depending on range and hit location. I always rip off an HMG before activating Maximum Nanosuit.. enemies fall like dominoes.
they shoot you in the back? HMG is bad for it, any competant player will destroy you from range with a SCAR, probably more than 1 of them aswell.
During Maximum Nanosuit? Hardly unless it takes you 3-4 seconds to realize you are being attacked, turn around and aim. If you lose any 1v1 situation during Maximum Nanosuit you should probably uninstall the game.