I used to go with max INT (9 + bobblehead) so I could have the most number of skill points possible (also got Educated and Comprehension). I also do generally like playing intelligent characters and there are the occasional dialog options only available with a high INT. But that said, in Fallout 4 I am likely to "only" get maybe 4 or 5 INT to start since most of the higher perks do not interest me and there are a LOT of other perks that do interest me which require other stats.
"Just" getting more experience diminishes the importance of INT to me, which is a GOOD thing, really. I used to feel obligated to get a high INT since it would determine how good I was at Guns, and Explosives and Lockpicking and Speechcraft, and so on. Now it, properly, is mainly important to people who want INT-based perks like SCIENCE!
It would be nice to get more experience since that would let you level faster and get more powerful (more perks, possibly more hit points) but I've always preferred being able to do NEW things over doing the same old thing slightly better.