I've read many posts fearing dragons would be the new cliffracers. What I personally fear is that dragons could become the new dremora. That is, yet another there-to-be-killed hinder between you and the final, hopefully epic fight, with no culture, and no possibility of negotiation or trade.
From the lore, we learnt that dragons are intelligent beings. They have their own language, both spoken and written, which is not only a proof of intelligence beyond any possibility of doubt, but also fuels my hope they are given some crafting skills. As I said in another topic, I think no language may be considered as really existing, even in a fictional context, without the tales, stories and legends it is intended to be the vehicle for. Therefore, I think dragons must have a culture. Moreover, setting a dragon culture that the player is able to dicover would provide the game with, at least in my opinion, an incredible depth.
Part of many actual cultures is religion. Alduin is the dragon god, though it's still unclear to me whether He is the only one dragons worship. Even if this is the case, this doesn't mean there is a unique interpretation of His will, which is canonical and universally recognized as such among dragons. And even in this case, it would not be granted that every individual would follow Him regardless of His intents. No society can be monolithic.
Neither can individuals. The purpose of Bethesda when building Havok Behaviour was, I think, to make the living beings in the game more believable - which is somewhat of a necessary condition for immersion. But if dragons appears to be merely scaly bags of blood and anger whose only purpose in life is to destroy everything moving around in general, and the Dovakhiin in particular, they wouldn't be, in my opinion, very believable. Of course, some of them may want to see you dead (it's always cool [or warm, hum :flamed: ] to fight against a dragon), but I hope besides these ones, there will be dragons that are, perhaps not friendly, but at least non-hostile. For example, there could be peacefull dragons that want to know what happenned to the world during their centuries-long absence, simply showing neutral interest for men's and mer's business.
I hope dragon will be complex beings with their own individual story, background, and purposes, very intelligent beings able to manipulate people and crowds, perhaps even willing to play some role in Skyrim's politics. It would be nice, also, to see dragon questgivers, for example apostates that accept to give you some pieces of information about Alduin if you do something for them as a counterpart.
I also hope there will be more possible, perhaps more peaceful, outcomes for the confrontations with dragons than the traditional I-dead-or-you-dead thing. For example, it would be nice to see a dragon mother landing on the main place of a city, burning a big tree and shout that her egg has been stolen by smugglers, and that either she recovers it within two days, or she and her husband will come back and it will be seen whether anybody could prevent two dragons having nothing more to lose to share their despair. Not only would this kind of stuff create a poisonous sphere in the city due to people trying to find the thieves, but it would also give the player more choice about how he or she wants to deal with the confrontation. Of course, oviparity of dragons lies in the realm of hypothesis, but what I mean is that I hope to be surprised by dragons in many more ways than only due to the way they fight, or the powers they own.
It has been said that there would be far more uniqueness in Skyrim than in Oblivion, which I think is very good news. So I hope this statement will also hold true for dragons.
And my point is that dragons' uniqueness shouldn't originate only from their visual appearance or particular individual powers, but also in the targets they aim at, in their hopes and fears, in their intents and behaviors.
Do you agree with this?
What are your hopes and fears about Skyrim's dragons?