I can probably send you an fbx with the rig as well. I don't envy the circles you'll have to jump through to get dismemeberment, rigging, and the mesh lloking good in game though. its bloody time consuming enough and all I have to do is hit the export button.
Thanks. The fbx was a lot better than an obj, being able to see the bones helps a lot. And being able to export objs from nifskope was a help too. Nice to see how the power armour fits the bones.
I've made the Cylon from BSG Razor, and although it should have its own rig, I've kinda squashed and stretched it to fit the human rig. It looks ok, maybe a little weird around the legs. I'm in the middle of making the classic old 70's cylon and the new cylon centurions. I'll post them when I get a chance.
As I can't rig them in Maya I'll just put them up as a resource for someone else to get into the game. Hopefully their mesh will be good enough that they will deform properly without much trouble. haha
I'm also wanting to make a Judge Dredd suit and Mean Machine. Maybe a few other characters from 2000ad too. Gives me something to add to my portfolio and gives me a chance to practice my zbrush skills while making the normal maps.
Thanks again for the help.