Maybe ship Skyrim with keyboard and mouse for consoles? Coll

Post » Thu Sep 08, 2011 6:18 pm

I've just assumed for a long time that a game developer would take a cue from the Guitar Hero/Rockband games and simply ship a serious roleplalying game with a keyboard/mouse combo for the PS3 or xBox 360.

Why don't you just go buy a keyboard and mouse?

Are keyboards & mice just way more expensive than I'm imagining?

Depends on what you consider expensive. Keyboard: about $30-$70 Mouse: $20-$60
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Post » Thu Sep 08, 2011 7:30 pm

I'm a console player who's only recently had a PC which is able to run some games (nowhere near Skyrim levels, unfortunately). I found playing with a keyboard and mouse really difficult, although I've been told it's just a matter of getting used to it, and most people get to like it after a while.
But shipping a k&m to console users will probably only end up with them not using it if they're not used to the controls I think. People will just want to play the game, not wrangle with a new way of playing.
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Post » Fri Sep 09, 2011 6:19 am

Considering the amount of money that people are having to pay for so little in the current collecters edition it would be smart to add the keyboard and mouse for just an extra $10/£5 (i live in the uk) but I dont see what a keyboard can do for the game unless youre on the pc so there is no point adding in these to rather pointless accesories, it would be better if they added a cloth or authentic map and a soundtrack cd to make it worth the price i, i know i am one of the few who are actually buying the collectors edition wether or not it gets new items.
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Saul C
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Post » Fri Sep 09, 2011 1:54 am

Actually, I wonder if the PC version will have hooks for controllers. I have an Xbox360 and PS3 controller that work great with my computer for various other PC games, if Skyrim had that in the PC version, then PC users could have mouse, keyboard and the controllers with little hand vibrator.

I will probably give it a try for my PS3 controller on my PC. Hopefully it works. OR we can start requesting for it now, I think we can still make it in time.
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emma sweeney
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Post » Fri Sep 09, 2011 3:13 am

i prefer my console control to KBAM i realy dont like point and click plus the points others raised you know console about relax in front of 121cm TV NOT HUNCH OVER [censored]Y PC
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sarah simon-rogaume
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Post » Thu Sep 08, 2011 9:22 pm

i prefer my console control to KBAM i realy dont like point and click plus the points others raised you know console about relax in front of 121cm TV NOT HUNCH OVER [censored]Y PC

Modern graphics card should have HDMI that can be connected to your TV?
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Post » Fri Sep 09, 2011 12:30 am

I'm going to use a console controller for me computer, so I don't really know what you mean.
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Ashley Campos
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Post » Fri Sep 09, 2011 5:27 am

I've just assumed for a long time that a game developer would take a cue from the Guitar Hero/Rockband games and simply ship a serious roleplalying game with a keyboard/mouse combo for the PS3 or xBox 360. Hasn't happened, and I'm wondering why. Seems like it would only take one highly anticipated rpg that REQUIRED a keyboard and mouse for everybody to have one (particularly if it shipped with one for an extra $20 - 30 or something). Once everybody has one, developers need not feel restricted by the console controller, and then we all could benefit. If ever a game could pull it off, I'd think it would be Skyrim.

I'd gladly shell out some extra $. Is there some reason this wouldn't work? Are keyboards & mice just way more expensive than I'm imagining?

I don't play on either the 360 or the ps3, but I dimly recall, way back in the misty reaches of time, that when the 360 was released, Microsoft decided that there wouldn't be any *game* use of a keyboard and mouse. It wasn't that the developers didn't want to do it; they weren't allowed to do it. I also think I remember seeing that someone managed to do it for at least a few games, however it required modding the 360, which is *not* discussed here. If I'm remembering correctly, has this official stance changed? What about the ps3? I don't remember any information for that, but it wouldn't surprise me if they had the same policy.
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Post » Thu Sep 08, 2011 10:44 pm

That said, I always wondered why, particularly with the Xbox360 that does support the Mouse+Keyboard for Messenger functions, why it could never be worked in for games.

I think Microsoft doesn't want it to happen.

Also, if you get a XBox 360 game where you can input a text or so through a virtual keyboard, you'll notice that the game probably handles USB keyboard there because I think it's required by Microsoft too.
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Post » Thu Sep 08, 2011 10:33 pm

Why would it require a keyboard? The controllers work fine and I can imagine a lot of people actually prefer it over a mouse and keyboard.

Personally, I can't understand it when people say "Will the PC version support controllers?".... but that's probably just me - I basically can't play anything first-person-ish on a console. :tongue:

(Which is a shame - apparently, I'm missing some good games. Resistance, Gears of War. Killzone.... tried the Uncharted demos, those have basically the same "needs fast & accurate aiming" issue that the first person games have, so those are out too. :sadvaultboy: I'm fine with platformers, things like Ratchet & Clank, third person & JRPGs, SSX & racing style games - just not anything that needs decent aim & first person movement. For those, I need mouse & keyboard.)
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Post » Thu Sep 08, 2011 10:04 pm

I think Microsoft doesn't want it to happen.

Also, if you get a XBox 360 game where you can input a text or so through a virtual keyboard, you'll notice that the game probably handles USB keyboard there because I think it's required by Microsoft too.

It has nothing to do one thing with another. One thing is a virtualized keyboard, and another is an external device, which needs drivers to work.

Could it be incorporated? Probably yes. Will it be incorporated? If it isn't already, I doubt it.
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Gavin Roberts
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Post » Thu Sep 08, 2011 10:12 pm

I prefer the anologue sticks on the controller for movement by far. WASD is 4 set directions, The anologue stick can move in angles and slight angles. Same can be said for the camera, Mouse is irritating. The screen would move when I'd want to click on something and having to reach over from WASD to L for skills or whatever else has no fluidity to it. Controller > Mouse and Keyboard for anything other then FPS games. For FPS games a mouse and keyboard will always dominate.
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Frank Firefly
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Post » Thu Sep 08, 2011 9:19 pm

I prefer the anologue sticks on the controller for movement by far. WASD is 4 set directions, The anologue stick can move in angles and slight angles. Same can be said for the camera, Mouse is irritating. The screen would move when I'd want to click on something and having to reach over from WASD to L for skills or whatever else has no fluidity to it. Controller > Mouse and Keyboard for anything other then FPS games. For FPS games a mouse and keyboard will always dominate.

we can all state our opinions and thoughts on this matter but it simply comes down to personal preference. some will like controller, others mouse and keyboard. one is not necessarily better than the other except if it's the one i like. :tongue:
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Sandeep Khatkar
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Post » Fri Sep 09, 2011 1:37 am

Personally I agree that I would rather have a anolog stick for movement, but I despise having a anolog stick for camera control, specifically in first person games. Ideally the split fish would be awsome if they made a decent one with good drivers for the pc.
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Emma Pennington
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Post » Thu Sep 08, 2011 5:55 pm

Why would it require a keyboard? The controllers work fine and I can imagine a lot of people actually prefer it over a mouse and keyboard.

sry but i prefer mouse and keybord and pc too way better than anything
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Post » Thu Sep 08, 2011 11:34 pm

Personally, I can't understand it when people say "Will the PC version support controllers?".... but that's probably just me - I basically can't play anything first-person-ish on a console. :tongue:

(Which is a shame - apparently, I'm missing some good games. Resistance, Gears of War. Killzone.... tried the Uncharted demos, those have basically the same "needs fast & accurate aiming" issue that the first person games have, so those are out too. :sadvaultboy: I'm fine with platformers, things like Ratchet & Clank, third person & JRPGs, SSX & racing style games - just not anything that needs decent aim & first person movement. For those, I need mouse & keyboard.)

I don't know what can't be understood. We just want the option to be able to choose based on personal preference or whatever mood strikes us at the time we start playing. :) As to accurate aim on controller and moving around, you get used to it.

Of course, this one time I had a friend play Halo with me when he was slightly inebriated and you know that part where you gotta cross the little "bridge" near some waterfall right at the very beginning? He was determined (for a while) to get across but kept falling off, which cracked me up and I started laughing super hard... And uh, he got really sad and angry and hates anything Halo now. Oops. :P
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Post » Fri Sep 09, 2011 3:53 am

WASD is 4 set directions, The anologue stick can move in angles and slight angles.

1) You can push more than one key (forward + strafe left for example) in order to move in angles. Rotate view up-down-left-right keyboard keys are mostly unused, as that is handled by the mouse.

2) You can configure other keys, you know. It hasn't to be WASD (which I hate personally). I use the keyboard arrow keys for movement, jumping and one "special key", and some keys of the numberpad for misc stuff. Never ran out of keys easily at hand to configure in all the games I've played :)

Same can be said for the camera, Mouse is irritating. The screen would move when I'd want to click on something and having to reach over from WASD to L for skills or whatever else has no fluidity to it.

With a little practise, and a little basic hand-eye reflexes, you can do precise jobs with the mouse. In fact, it even becomes logical to choose the mouse over a gamepad for precise jobs, as with the more practise you've with it, the quicker you can get things done, and the most precision you obtain.

An anyways, virtually all games have a "Mouse sensibility" option, to reduce mouse speed in game and improve precision for those unfamiliar with it.
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Post » Thu Sep 08, 2011 6:06 pm

Finally started? MW was out for Xbox...

But really, if you want the keyboard and mouse combo, you're going to need to go PC. The only reason I can see even wanting to go that route is loads of presets - but I don't use that many anyhow, from what I have seen of the favorites list, that will do just fine. I even think it's going to be a bit odd for PC users, handling two weapons/spells/whatever with the mouse. I guess we'll see closer to release, and of course there are mice now with 10 or more buttons on them... :P

Why do you want a keyboard and mouse, then? I'm not feeling as though you really answered that in this post. You are not going to be, as you stated above for a reason, RPing in this game with other people, so that nixes that point...

I suppose It isn't Skyrim specifically for which I want a keyboard/mouse set-up. As far as functionality goes, Skyrim, being the sort of first-person action rpg hybrid that it is, can use either set-up equally well. Sure, first person games tend to be better with mouse/keyboard, but TES aren't usually as demanding as first person shooters. But since it isn't a hardcoe rpg with full party control and online chatting, competitive competition, etc., a keyboard/mouse is hardly a necessity.

I guess my real issue is that we're not getting games like Neverwinter Nights for the consoles. A long time ago, this would have been because consoles didn't have hard drives, didn't have internet connectivity, and didn't have keyboards/mice. All those constraints are now gone, and yet still we aren't getting better RPG's on consoles (TES being a notable exception). I guess my theory is that we aren't getting them because nobody has or wants to buy a keyboard/mouse peripheral. My thinking was that a game as highly anticipated as Skyrim could be the one to take the first step and ship it with a keyboard/mouse (fine, optionally. required was a bad idea on my part) in order to alleviate this problem and open up the possibility of making something like TES Online in the future. Phase one, get everybody a keyboard and mouse. Phase two, exploit this newly created niche in console gaming and profit?? After playing Dragon Age on the PS3, it surely seemed to me that they had trouble getting the controller to work as well as a keyboard/mouse, and so I assumed it was a constraint that was holding back some good games.
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