GAME: Deamon's Souls, Dark Souls mixed with LOTRO.
BORROW WHAT: Sending in game messages to other players.
INCLUDED HOW: There would be some kind post offices where you can send messages to other players from your friend list.
I don't need to send items just asking tips and telling hi. It dosn't matter if sending those costs some ingame money.
WHY: This could increase RPG element.
GAME: GTA: San Andreas (I think)
BORROW WHAT: Interacting "NPC" without activate them by pressing (X) button (PS3).
INCLUDED HOW: People in villages and cities are spoken to yuo while you are just walking pass of him/her.
You could press some button to say something positive and other for negative reply. (Don't know is it possible for PS3 thoug, becouse lack of buttons)
WHY: This could increase RPG element.
If you have any other ideas you can tell it here and if you want you can use (copy/paste) this for it:
And ofcourse you are free to comment this or any of suggestion but let's keep it civil.