1. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Don't make it so! No dragon for me, just DragonBORN!
2.Avatar of Akatosh. And that was because he COULD wear the Amulet of Kings, don't remember what exactly he did, but it involved the Amulet, he "merged" with it, I guess. Also, he's a dragonborn, because I can't remember (i'll have to check) but I think it was in Game Informer, that it said the Imperial line of Emperors/Septims/Something like that were from Skyrim, and were dragonborn. So, unless we have another Temple of the One, and another Amulet of Kings, and ARE royal-royal, it's an Akatosh Avatar no-go.
P.S. "he" is Martin Septim! Believe it or go to
