I have come to ask myself this question quite a lot in the past few weeks, and my answer to this question is, "there is no meaning to life", and this has sent me into MANY spirals of depression.
From my perspective life has no inherent meaning.
The word "inherent" is key however, and this is only one half of the equation. It is perhaps the revelatory half, but also the less important one. There may be no fundamental meaning to life or the universe that doesn't mean we can't
apply meaning. Really, the meaning of life is what you
do with it.
Quick moderation comment!We do not allow religious discussion on the forums, and as such it is inappropriate to
detail how ones religious beliefs inform their understanding of this question. It is not, however, inappropriate to say that their answer to this question comes from their religion, or from a divine source. While discussion can't stem from such assertions I don't want anyone to feel that they can't at least mention this.