It would help to set them in lances, for instance first mission will be recon mission, which means that we take only our light (lighter) lance in the battlefield. If we have one

Oh Snap! King Crab! :blink: The Rare Star league design

I looked up which model King Crab was. It seems to be Star League era mechs, so it mounts stuff what is not yet "found" yet (Aka Lostech)
Our current Era limits use of mechs to
Introductory level. Keep that in mind when making force lists.
System Name: Ningpo
Coordinates: 54.77, -67.29
Star Type: G2III
Position in System: 4
Time to Jump Point: 7.00 days
Population: 2,108,428,000
Percentage and Level of Native Life: Birds
Description:Named after a provincial capital from the northeast Zhejiang province in China on Terra, Ningpo was a temperate world of fertile ground and beautiful seas.
The planet became a moderate supplier of many agricultural products to worlds like Pleione and Poznan.
Ningpo has two major continents and many islands that are home to many of the exotic birds on the planet. The continent of Qingyuan covers
most of the northern hemisphere, and is composed of 85 percent farmland with rolling hills and dales. Ningbo, the planetary capital, is located on the
southeast coast of the continent. Liampo, the smaller of the two continents, is located in the equatorial region, extending into the southern hemisphere.
Liampo is the more industrialized of the two, though 45 percent of it is covered by farmland, much like Qingyuan. One of the most beautiful places on the
planet is Qingyuan's Yalosha Peninsula. Located on the southwest coast, Yalosha is large peninsula flanked by a large mountain range called Yalo Rue.
The mountains and the peninsula are covered with lush green forests that the timber industry has been selectively farming and using to produce
some of the most beautiful furniture in the Inner Sphere. It is rumored that the Celestial Throne of the Capellan Confederation is made of Ningpo timber.
Operation 1.For this operation each player splits his forces so that there is atleast 3 mechs at present at both battles.
Remember, winner takes battlefield salvage!
Battle 1:
Major part of 3rd Davion Guards Made planet fall into Qingyuan’s Yalosha Peninsula, where their recon elements started
securing nearby villages and towns. Same time Northwind Highlanders set their recon and hunter lances for
counter these raids. There is small set of towns near southern tip of valley. Second Battalion of Davion Guards
was assigned to clear this sector. Meanwhile Highlanders aim to flank advancing Davion armored elements.
Highlanders meet Davion recon detachment near two small timber towns. Route Davions and there is clear way
to flank Davion armor spearhead.Objectives: (will be updated, give suggestions) - I'll need to find some custom map sheets for those two villages
I'm not sure if this will be anything final...
Davion: Capture both villages (Marked 1. and 2. on maps) - This means that Davion needs at least one mech present at both villages at the end of mission.
- 3 pts per villageKeep at least 50% of forces combat effective
- 2 ptsHighlanders:Destroy/route Davion forces in the area.
- 5 ptsKeep at least 50% of forces combat effective
- 3 ptsBattle 2:While main part of Davion RCT is engaged by Capellan skirmisher bands, Northwind Highlanders need to buy time for capital evacuation.
Highlanders set defensive line next to small coastal town of Dotekusa, where they hope to delay attackers. 3rd Davion Guards is forced to
deploy part of their second mech battalion for assault against Highlanders.Objectives:Davion: Capture Town
- 3 ptsKeep at least 50% of forces combat effective.
- 2 ptsDestroy 50% of enemy forces
- 3 pts
Highlanders:Hold Davion forces atleast 10 turns.
- 4 ptsDestroy 50% of enemy forces.
- 4 ptsFactions Score points during campaign for completed objectives. Faction with highest score at the end of campaign wins.