i'm kind of mythed at the fact i spent time finding bible resources and writing books, when i could of divereted my full attention at the skaven and Warhammer mod ive been planning. Shame
I'd still like this mod to be completed though, and id definetely download it, plus i get where bone collecter is coming from with his point
Thank you for your understandings coobster, you're still normal.... luckily. I guess the point is that he wants the credits all for himself, ughh leave him im going to spent my time usefull, instead of useless. I think he will keep this mod for himself.... to bad i was just beginning to like him
Yes, your time is wasted, the same counts for me. A entirely spilled Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday,Wednesday and Thursday. What a waste. wish he
could act normal.
I never seen a mod leader that acts like this to his team + you were very nice actually until yesterday, what a harsh shame....