Ok so I have put in about 110 hours in this game and I have completed and cleared about 90% of the world map?!?!?!
It'll probably take me another 20 to 30 hours to completely clear the entire game world areas, this seems more like a medium size game to me when it comes to open worlds in 2015..........................if I am really generous and roam about the world aimlessly it'll take me about 150 hours, at tops, to clear the entire game.
(However, in comparison, I put in about 240 hours in Witcher 3 and I still have about 45% of the game world unexplored......)
I went with Minutemen I don't know if their quests are shorter or what............ but I doubt that if I went with another faction, the game would be any longer by a noticeable difference. I do admit that I didn't spend a terribly long time building all the settlements but I did spend a decent time looking after my settlements and doing their quests. I am level 53 at the moment.
I was expecting a large game that'll give me at least 200+ hours gameplay, especially from all the talk and videos that I have been watching online, but sadly my adventure will be over in probably another 20 hours or so........
So I am wondering why are people calling it a massive game, when it is really a medium size open world game with a relatively shorter main story. (If I didn't do all the side quests and just strictly focused on the main quest, as everyone should since its your CHILD who is on the line, it would have taken me about 20 to 30 hours to beat the game). So I have no idea what all this noise is about......
P.S. I admit that straying from the main quest and doing all these side quests and exploring all these side areas did feel VERY AWKWARD, since I am supposed to be rescuing my new born baby but instead I am growing potatoes?!?! Every time I focused on a side quest or strayed of the main path it felt like I am betraying my child but if I didn't then the game would be over for me in less than 30 hours....