Meet the Devs #6

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:18 am

*Killmoms is clearly the only one who does not realize how grotesque and bombastic Helvetica is*

"Grotesque"? Making typography jokes are we, aye?
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:25 am

If I may but in for a moment...

All narrative media (books, movies, games, etc.) do two things - tell a story and build a world.

Most games focus on the first aspect: each character is someone unique and serves a purpose, each location is there because it needs to be. The story takes precedent, and the whole point is to make the player emotionally attached to the characters and invested in the story. If done properly, the player cares about what happens to the characters, but not necessarily to anything other than the characters. Bioshock comes to mind - I really cared as I was playing, but the end was the end. I was not at all interested in the sequel because the story I cared about was done.

Other games, like TES, prioritize on the world building. There are tons of characters who are not involved in the main objective, locations are there because they are part of the world, and the player does not have to follow the story. This does cost some players emotional evolvement because its just not as concentrated as a linear game. On the other hand, it makes players care about the world.

Take Vivec, for instance. He had a couple expository paragraphs in Morrowind proper - and yet outside of our interaction with the game he is one of the most developed, and in my mind brilliant, characters. Similarly, there are tons of people who want a game that takes place in Summurset Isle, not because of the story that could be told but because of how cool the location is. Its two different kinds of immersion: one that focuses on the player's experience during gameplay and the other on the player's relationship to the essence of the game.

On the other hand, prioritizing the world does not mean that the characters have to suffer. Take one look at deviant art to see the insane devotion people have to Martin or Lucien Lachance.

tl;dr - they are different things, though not exclusive.

[edit] I just noticed killmoms has my pic in his signature. Awesome!

Thanks for the reply. I was hoping it would inspire a debate of sorts among users as well as Devs. I do understand what you're saying; in a sense, the world is the real character of Elder Scrolls and there are so many characters (some of whom we may never even meet - even after 100+ hours of play!) that there will inevitably be some loss of emotional investment. I think the key word is of course 'emotional'. Heavy Rain is an extreme example because of the themes and tone of that game, but I guess I was just surprised to see TES devs praising that game purely because it's so different to their own.

I know they can't reveal anything about Skyrim, but I guess I was also wondering whether they might have somehow been influenced by Heavy Rain (particularly, narrative influences), and what that might mean for any changes made to the presentation of in-game set-pieces for example. Half-Life 2 is a great example of world-building and storytelling through a first-person perspective without the use of cutscenes .i.e. you discover things as Gordan Freeman discovers them. Do in-game set-pieces have a place in the Elder Scrolls universe?

In short, can a large-scale, free-roaming RPG be considered 'cinematic'? Or should we be content with creating our own cinematic adventures?
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Guy Pearce
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:00 am

We use the same editor you guys do to make the quests. That's why it's pretty cool that we release it to the public. Now, we do have code support, so when we need something specific the editor doesn't do, we can request it. But still, pretty neat stuff :)

Honestly, after all of the testing that I do on the games, which involves hours and hours of just adventuring in the world, I rarely sit down and play the retail product after it's been released. So many hundreds of hours are spent in the world just during my part of the process that I don't feel the need. Believe me, we play it A LOT before release. Not just our own quests, but everything!

I'm sorry to come over like a jerk, but i'll ask it anyway. Have you played a lot of F:3 before it's release? If so: do you think you might have overlooked a bug and freeze here or there? Don't get me wrong, i love the game to bits and would buy it again. I would even buy a freezing buggy Skyrim as well, just because the awesomenes of your games far outweigh their flaws.

However (this is actually my question now :)) How do you guys feel when complaints start coming in about freezing and glitches?
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Richard Dixon
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:56 pm

What is a good question that I could ask the devs... hmmmm...

How about:

What do you hate most out of anything in the world?

I hate Selkath, for example.
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Setal Vara
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:26 am

Seeing as questions are being answered now (no offence :P), can you get both Arena and Daggerfall to work in DOSBox?

...can you do it from memory?
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Jordyn Youngman
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:44 am

The Master Thief

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Undisclosed Desires
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:45 am

So who put in Morrowind, and do they visit the Something Awful Forums often?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:21 pm

Do you guys all have deplorable grammar? Not you specifically, but I noticed some large grammatical discrepancies.

What are you smoking Tausig2? Your questions are way bizarre. :bonk:

Let me predict your next question: Do you like this... *ooh* shiny object! :D

Anyway, some questions for the devs:

What is your thought process in creating NPCs and quests? Do you already have an idea/direction form someone else of what the quest is to accomplish and create the NPCs to fit? Or do you come up with quest and NPC ideas individually, and discuss with other game designers? Who makes the decisions if it is OK for the game - is there a central story lead?

Also, do you have lore gurus that know every esoteric fact to make sure you don't add anything that breaks canon?
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James Smart
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:07 am

Psssht. Let's see if I name a character after you now.

Do I get the same honor if I make a real,nice compli :foodndrink: ment?
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Jaki Birch
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:57 am

So did any of the devs anticipate the reaction most people gave to the adoring fan from the arena?
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Tiffany Holmes
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:03 am

Which is for hard, mead swilling, beardy Nords, Blade or Blunt?
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Latisha Fry
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:01 pm

How does working on an Elder Scrolls game in such detail affect your experience of playing the retail version? Are all the quests and stuff spoiled for you, or is there still a lot that surprises/entertains you after the fact? :celebrate:

As a programmer I see a smaller slice of the game then the designers do - usually sticking to a few good test paths when I want to make sure I didn't break anything, and following instructions in bugs when people claim something is wrong with the game. (Which is never my fault I'll have you know! <_< )

To answer the question, though: I do enjoy playing the games at home once they're done.

Do the code-monkeys ever come out of their caves to interact with the rest of you gameplay guys or do you just send them requests on new stuff and it magically gets committed to your code within a week? :D

I happen to come out of my cave quite a bit - usually when tracking down a designer to ask their opinion or for clarification on a feature I'm working on. And designers like to drop by quite often - usually when I've royally miffed something up.

Have you played Ultima?
If yes, which one?

What is your all-time favourite videogame theme?

Favourite video game genres?

1. Nope. I want to at some point, but my gaming back-log is HEUG.
2. Hmm... this is a hard one. At the moment I would probably go with "Suteki da ne" from FFX. Or the new WoW: Cataclysm theme which incorporates several riffs from classic themes which get me all nastalgic.
3. RPG, Adventure, Shooter. And the sadly dead Space Military Sim. (TIE-Fighter and Freespace!)
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roxanna matoorah
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:23 am

Do you enjoy a good game of Monopoly?

Do you prefer the old Monopoly to the new Monopoly?

Are/Were you always the car?

Do your games of Monopoly genrally end in fights? If so any memorable ones?

Does Bethesda ever have Monopoly nights? If so does Todd always pick the car? If not do you wish they did?

Did you gather from my questions i'd just been playing Monopoly? :P
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james kite
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:23 am

Star Trek or Star Wars?

What is your favorite type of cheese?

What TES race would you be in real life, if you could reroll your race?
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Jesus Lopez
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:56 am

What is your favorite type of pie? Choose wisely...
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:34 am

I always post too late to get a response... darn west coast time!
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Teghan Harris
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:32 pm

3. RPG, Adventure, Shooter. And the sadly dead Space Military Sim. (TIE-Fighter and Freespace!)

TIE Fighter and Freespace were both AMAZING! Easily two of my favorite games (aside from TES of course ;))

Have you played any of the games from the X series (X3:Terrain Conflict)? They're a nice fix while the genre waits for a resurrection.
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Natasha Callaghan
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:03 am

Have any word on the development of the "lets play: The elder scrolls" that was talked about near Skyrim's announcement?
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stacy hamilton
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:22 am

do you guys make absolutely all of the 3d models or do sometimes people forget deadlines and just buy it from a website
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FirDaus LOVe farhana
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:21 am

1: how often do you guys get in arguments over things in game (WHY ARE THE GLASS WEAPONS SO HEAVY? or WHY ARE FACE TEXTURES SO LOW?)

2: How often do you cringe at part of the game you created (like hearing horrible dialogue accompanied by a horrible face)

3: if someone tells you to do something- do you ever respond with "what a stupid idea"

4: in your opinion, aside from bethesda, who is the greatest game developer company of all time?
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Nienna garcia
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:55 am

I have a batch of orange cinnamon mead to to be done and aged in mid october of next year. If i can find a way to legally ship it to you, would you or anone in the offfice possibly want it to crack open on the day of the realease?
The last batch from this recipet was very light and sweet had just a hint of cinnamon honey and acidity, when mixed with green tea it was a fantastic drink

Thank you very much for making the games of my dreams
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:37 am

So.....Testicles the Debug Centuron......How did that come about? I mean wrinkly old guy with and eye patch and is named testicles? From the darkest pits of who's mind did that spawn from?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:41 pm

So.....Testicles the Debug Centuron......How did that come about? I mean wrinkly old guy with and eye patch and is named testicles? From the darkest pits of who's mind did that spawn from?

That’d be a question for Obsidian, since they made F:NV, not BGS.
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Conor Byrne
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:21 am

I have a batch of orange cinnamon mead to to be done and aged in mid october of next year. If i can find a way to legally ship it to you, would you or anone in the offfice possibly want it to crack open on the day of the realease?
The last batch from this recipet was very light and sweet had just a hint of cinnamon honey and acidity, when mixed with green tea it was a fantastic drink

Thank you very much for making the games of my dreams

Pretty sure you need a license to ship alcohol across state lines. But I would totally drink that. Already have a bottle of Honeyrun Mead (Ragnar's Reserve) ready to go on that day. :-)
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Ella Loapaga
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:11 pm

As BSW's video producer, I worked on it, yes.

Lady Nerevar: All I'm saying is you won't see a called "Verdana" anytime soon.


They're frikkin fonts and they all look the same, just slightly wider or thinner.
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