I'm going to feel like a total noob if somebody asked this already but, could you give us some insight in what you've done in past bethesda games? Like I've made this and this quest. Very specific things?
I've worked on Oblivion, Shivering Isles, Fallout 3, 3 of the Fallout 3 DLC and now on Skyrim.
There's WAY too many quests to mention, but I'll throw a few out there:
Oblivion: "Where Spirits Have Lease", "The Forlorn Watchman", "A Brush With Death" and yes, I am responsible for the Nirnroot hunting

Fallout 3: "Reilly's Rangers", "Stealing Independence", "Oasis" and yes, I am responsible for the Nuka-Cola Quantum hunting

There's a running gag here that I am the one who pushes the collection quests (nirnroot, bobbleheads, quantums), so send all hate mail my way