saw it you guys are awesome. Do any of you compete in fights?
We mainly do it for sport fun and excercise. Its an awesome way to relieve stress. We do how ever have some pretty intense sparring matches which are always fun

Have any of you pulled down that laser rifle from the wall and had a little BoS moment when no-one was looking?
I totally have... and I enjoyed it I cant lie. We also have a fatman in the lounge and Im not talking about one of the devs. It is awesome
Which one are you?!?! Are you the guy getting beat down in the basemant? :wink_smile:
Unfortunately mister worm was not in it that day but we did try to convince him to come down
That video was great! It looks like you guys have a great place to work at. Todd seems like a nice guy too.
Todd is the coolest boss Ive ever had.....
Spoiler (Hopefully he wont beat on us today..)
What is your favorite food from the menu? I noticed the specials were mexican themed, do you have different themes each day?
Chicken Fajitas are awesome, so is the Cajun Salmon