Any of you devs play DnD? if so whats your favorite class and race
my favorite classes would have to be Bards and warlocks, my favorite races are Minotaurs, shardminds and half-elves
Just finished up a 4E campaign where I was a Shifter Druid. The rest of my party kept accusing me of being a Khajiit. I was not -- I was just a cat-man.
What games (MMOs included) are you looking forward to in 2011?
There are games coming out that aren't Skyrim?

First and foremost thank you for making Skyrim i've been waiting for the next TES game for quite a while.
I don't know if this is the sort of thing you guys can/will answer but i gotta ask. How do you guys keep track of The Elder Scrolls lore? I'm talking about places, events, people and all that stuff. Given how large the series has gotten i'd imagine it'd be quite a chore to keep track of it all. I've seen some interviews on the Blizzard teams and they actually have historians for their game universes. So if someone had questions on say the Diablo universe they could speak to the historian and learn some of the lore. So, how does it work for you guys?
Much like at those other places, our lore guys don't just do lore stuff full time. (i.e. when you hear about a historian at Blizzard, it's almost certainly not the guy's full-time job -- he's just the authority on that in addition to his other duties.) We have a pretty extensive wiki of the TES lore, and a timeline doc that we can reference, in addition to a couple folks who always know the answers to obscure historical questions. Or make them up.
Are any of the Devs big sports fans? If so, what team(s)?
Lot of Steelers fans around here. I'm a Jaguars fan myself.
Did you have to move when you got hired at Bethesda?
If so, do you ever miss where you used to live, or are you happy where you are now?
I moved from Los Angeles. I wasn't a big fan of the city itself, but there are a lot of people there that I miss. And the superb movie theatres. And the karaoke bars. And the Mexican food.... oh lord, the Mexican food. Nobody up here does burritos quite the same way.
I definitely like being around DC -- I have a lot of family in the area, and went to school in Virginia so a lot of my college friends are up here now.