Sweet. Always great to find a fellow Pacific Northwesterner. Any insight on game development going on here in Oregon? The only company I know of is Garage Games.
I'm not familiar with any game companies in Oregon off the top of my head - though I know there are a few in Seattle. Course, you could always get a friend or three and make the next awesome indie game

For what game developer you guys worked with in the past and if you left for bethesda what made you do that? also how was you experience elsewhere and how was the transfer like?
I came from Cyan Worlds, though I can't talk about the circumstances around changing jobs I will say that I highly enjoyed my time there and I left under good terms

The transfer was about as painless as it could be, considering I was moving all the way across the country to where I didn't know anyone

Bethesda was really great with helping with that.
I don't understand people who loved FF7—I thought it was horrid.
Final Fantasy VI was the last great FF game. THAT'S one worth re-making. I picture it not even being in 3D, but in a completely hand-drawn 2 (or 2.5) dimensional style with gorgeously hand-animated HD sprites and environments. And a fully orchestral score. And voice-over you could turn off. Or, toggleable between Japanese and English.
You know, since we're in fantasy-land.
I would SO buy a re-make of FFVI. Especially if it was done as you suggest. And I think the reason VII is so popular is cause it was the first RPG a lot of people played, so they didn't have anything better (like VI) to compare it to.
Did you always want to work in video games?
Yup, pretty much.
And so it was that you made me google translate "Kitzler" It seems our word filter does not work in other languages. <_<
Question for the devs: Did you play Mirror's Edge? If so what did you think of it? I really thought it was a "groundbreaking" game. I would have never have guessed a first person platformer could be done well. Sadly it appears I was one of the few people who bought it. And due to that no sequel

I did play Mirror's Edge. Didn't finish it due to running into some difficulty with the 'combat' at one point (kept dying due to lead poisoning). But I think it was a very well done game and I'm sad they won't be making a sequel.
Question to the devs. do you like strategy games?what are your favourite ones? my favourite strategy games of all time are heroes of might and magic 3 and age of empire 2 both followed by company of heroes
I'm a pretty big fan of the Command and Conquer series - especially the Red Alert spinoffs. And the Warcraft and Starcraft games. Though Age of Empires is also a very good game.