How many of guys on the team have played through the Quest for Glory series from Sierra and what was your experience like with it?
I have a soft spot in my heart for all the old Sierra games. One of the first games I really dove into and thought about from a perspective of "I wonder if I could make something like this" was Kings Quest II. From there I got into Space Quest, Quest for Glory, etc. Oh the stories I could tell of Space Quest IV....
Ahh, mead. My favorite was a raisin blend, it was truly and surprisingly delicious!
And speaking of pagans (since pretty much only pagans make mead), which Elder Scrolls god would you follow?
There's actually a really strong tradition of mead brewing in medieval Christian monasteries, depending on the region. Same with beer/wine/etc. Any time you have a meticulous, time-intensive, not-physically-grueling process, count on monks having devoted time to it.
Aedra -- Kyne/Kynareth. Daedra -- Hircine
1) What's your favourite game put out by Bethesda?
I assume you mean second-favorite, since we know everyone's real favorite is IHRA Drag Racing.
My answer to that would probably be Fallout 3 -- I know, I know. Don't worry, I love me some Elder Scrolls, too, but Fallout 3 just came at a point in my life where I devoted
a lot of time to that game. A lot.