Four questions (comments):
1. Do any of the devs have a creative writing background? Like a BA or an MFA? (I just applied to three MFA programs ... so just curious ...)
2. Do you ever look at modders work and say, "Wow . . . I wish I'd thought of that . . ." or "That is just freakin' awesome . . ." If so, whose work do you admire? (This has probably been asked too many times before - sorry!)
3. I'm curious who wrote the "Shadow Over Hackdirt" quest in Oblivion. This quest hooked me on Oblivion. When my character got to Hackdirt and I got the Lovecraft reference (I own multiple copies of about everything he wrote - and during a recent trip to Seattle, I spent another $40 on an illustrated collection), I smiled and thought, "This is too cool." Whoever wrote that should take a bow.
4. I'm curious what it's like being a woman in a male dominated industry. Seriously - does it frustrate you to read through 13 dev threads and read all the references to "guys" on the team? Or am I being too sensitive . . .
~ Dani ~