Well Windows is much better!
But still, since you are a part of the team that made my most favourite video game series, I'll still respect you
Like any tool, it's as good as the user makes it and the software that's available. Though I personally prefer Macs, edit on one (and use them at home), I also have a PC in my office and use it for various tasks to which Windows is better suited. So I'm not religious about it.
Like you, many of us are looking forward to Gears 3. There's tons of great games coming out this year -- Portal 2, Arkham City, Gear 3... just to name a few.
Team ICO collection, The Last Guardian... what? I'm a Fumito Ueda fanboy, what can I say?
Anyone on the staff play a musical instrument? Former band/orchestra geeks, or just play piano/guitar/something else on the side?
I played piano for 9 years in my younger days, and can still sit down and plink out a melody by ear pretty easily (though I'm not nearly as dextrous keyboard-wise as I used to be—just lack of practice). I also am self-taught on guitar since late high school, but not particularly adept. I enjoy playing basic stuff but definitely couldn't keep pace with someone who plays all the time.