You character artists are amazing.
Do you ever find that something you're working on at Bethesda inspires you to start a personal 3D project at home (perhaps a similar creature type or just a similar fantasy setting), without the restrictions of game optimisation and deadlines?
Or is Max/Mudbox/Photoshop's interface the last thing you want to see after
8 25 hours of work?

Thanks, Actually I always try to stay busy at home doing 3d or art of some sort. Soon as things cool down on crunch time I will be updaing my website with some new personal work.
6: Have you seen a Mudcrab lately? nasty little creatures.
7: What do you think about Mass Effect series? the first 1 was the best 'imo'
11: Edit: almost forgot Vsions did you create the Draughr things? the look amazing and scary :thumbsup:
6: Yes, and they are very nasty
7:Its pretty awesome, Bioware is great.
11: I did not create the Draugr, that was created by my friend and very talented artist Jonah Lobe (dont tell him I said he was talented)