**The Premise**
The location: Town of, Capital Wasteland.
Date: Year 2300 AD, roughly 23 years after the events of Fallout 3.
A passing wanderer defused the bomb in the center of town many years ago. Though the layout of the town remains the same, things have changed. Moriarty no longer owns the saloon and has disappeared. Gob the bartender takes care of it in his stead. Nova has not aged well, and thus is no longer in the same line of work. She has taken a fleet of younger, more fresh women to take her place. The town mayor and sheriff is no longer Lucas Simms, but his son Harden Simms. The Church of Atom still lives, though is considered just as inane as ever, however no one is to harm its followers. Maggie has grown to be a graceful woman in her own right and now helps her caretaker Billy Creel who's health is failing him. Sadly, Nathan and Manya Vargas are no longer among the living, but their memory is dearly cherished. Every now and then, a caravan comes to visit the entrance to the city which is still well protected by an elderly Stockholm and Deputy Weld, who's been delivering the same line to newcomers for more than a quarter century. Joining them in case of attack would be an old Jericho, along with the mercenary hired to protect a withered Moira Brown. The common rooms are still bustling, both with new faces and old, as the population of the town grows still.
Upcoming events of interest:
- Election for Mayor. The choice for Harden to follow his father is a shaky one.
- The search for Moriarty. He may not be dead, he is sure to reward whoever finds him.
- Abandoned house for sale. The house that was once occupied by a wanderer is up for sale. Who shall take it?
- Personel Wanted: People with skills are wanted all over town for various jobs. Who will fill the positions?
- The Church of Atom is to be dealt with somehow. Many people complain. What is the resolution to this?
- Raiders threaten to attack the city. Who will stop them? By what means? Or will they join them and watch the city crumble instead?
- Free houses. Though they may not be the best places to live in the world, they can comfortably fit a family. Is anyone willing?
- The chem trade is slowing down. Is anyone willing to take over the market and begin selling them once more? Or will they succumb to the pleasures it offers instead? Or perhaps they shall abolish the market completely.
Prerequisite: Read the "So You Think You Can RP?" thread, pinned at the top of this section.
2. Do not Uber. Meaning, do not do things that would seem otherwise impossible for your character. Similarly, do not create a character that is overly good at everything.
3. Do not control others' characters in any way, shape, or form. Even minutely. It is considered inappropriate roleplay etiquette.
4. No killing other characters, or causing permanent mutation to them, that includes administering any fatal blows, or dismemberment. Only if given permission by the other character OOC (Out of character) may you do so.
5. Combat is allowed.
6. Romance is allowed.
7. More than one character per person is allowed. (But do not abuse this rule. If I feel you are doing so, I shall not allow the next character applied by you.)
8. Child characters are allowed. (But please be very cautious whilst playing as one. Abide by any and all forum rules, meaning no suggestion of your character being harmed, either by you, or others. This is not recommended for newer users.)
9. Posts should be rich with detail, even if done so once per week.
10. Have fun.

This is to be posted here in this thread within spoiler tags.
Name: (First name, nickname / middle name optional, last name)
Race: (Caucasian? African-American? Ghoul? Races besides one depicted in game are allowed.)
Hair: (color, length, is it wavy? curly? straight? etc.)
Other aesthetic attributes: (muscular? burly? skinny? tattoos? scars? etc.)
General appearance:
Equipment: (weapons? caps? food? etc.)
Relations: (family? spouse? significant other? relatives? etc.)