Nirvikalpaka yoga is a technical term in the philosophical system of, in which there is a complete identification of the "I" and, in which the very concepts of name and form disappear and Shiva alone is experienced as the In that system, this experience occurs when there is complete cessation of all thought-constructs.
This seems pretty similar to CHIM.
And this:
Nirvikalpa samādhi, on the other hand, absorption without self-consciousness, is a mergence of the mental activity (cittav?tti) in the Self, to such a degree, or in such a way, that the distinction (vikalpa) of knower, act of knowing, and object known becomes dissolved — as waves vanish in water, and as foam vanishes into the sea. The difference to the other samadhis is that there is no return from this samadhi into lower states of consciousness. Therefore this is the only true final Enlightenment.
Seems like Zero-Summing.
Now, I'm not the biggest lore buff in TES lore, so I would welcome it if one could correct me.