Mehrunes' altar - Daedric inscription translated

Post » Sun Aug 11, 2013 2:05 am


This is a from a project of I am working on for the various Aedric & Daedric shrines/altars and tomb-like shrines.

Mainly focused on the visual detail & definition of the textures, and adding new and unique variants for replacers.

The mod hasn't been finished yet, and I just wanted to share some old findings of mine on Mehrunes' tomb-like altar found in Skyrim.

I think this is right sub forum, as I was going to post this on the lore section on some findings, but figuring that this is more of a placebo effect that can be revealed mainly by modding/going through game assets.

Some info & images on the mod/project here:

Basically the aim of the mod is a texture/minor mesh replacers for the statues/shrines/altars to give them more detail. As of the current time of writing this, the vanilla textures don't show enough objective detail on the statues to match their asset/object scale in-game, and the HRTP DLCs also don't cover them as well (apart from 2-4 textures).

The texture up for comparison is "" the one used for the altar.

Vanilla: Top (1024x1024px base texture)

Deciphered: Bottom (4096x4096px base texture)

Well that's about it. This line is engraved twice on the top (left and right) sight of the tomb/altar of Mehrunes'. As for the rest of are the same verses from the mysterium xarxes where the bottom of the altar starts with the first verse: "When I walk the earth again, the faithful among you shall receive your reward.

then immediately follows to:

"The mighty shall tremble at my feet and pray for pardon.

The process of extracting the writing was tedious; as there was really no detail to be seen on the vanilla one, but nonetheless fun.

It's very intriguing though to know this is what it translates to again, maybe marking a significant event.. like a second coming.

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Kirsty Wood
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