I have had Cider! on ignore for a really long time because of circular arguments and headaches.
I have had Cider! on ignore for a really long time because of circular arguments and headaches.
Jyggalag was trying to put a STOP to chaos by imposing order.
Hes mostly just against killabee, which 99 percent of the time i can understand.
Jyggylag is like the mouth that bites its hand. He wants to impose order on the Daedra, but the Daedra want none of it so while he tries to undermine them, they try to undermine him.
Though it's interesting that Jyggylag suggests that he's the most powerful of the Daedra and they all fear him.
Just because he caused chaos does not mean he himself is chaotic, he is the daedric lord of order, his actions may cause chaos, but that does NOT make him chaotic, nor does it make him part of the chaos , because he is still perfectly composed.
Dude, grow up.
And clearly not, since there's a handful of people in this thread who have issues with him, not just me.
Read the rest of the thread, so I dont have to repeat arguments.
Yea, for someone named "Idontreallycare" you sure seem to care a lot. As I said, grow up, and leave me be.
No. That would fit more with Vaermina or Molag Bal. Vaermina more-so. Molag as a side result.
Dagon would rather tear you apart in one swing.
Jyggalag is like the guy who says the house is messy so he burns it down.
This is what you're offering as an example of a daedra who could fit into stable Tamrielic society? Because that was the original discussion.
I mean, just take a step back from the pedantic little nitpicks and think about what you're saying. Was the entire plot of Oblivion just one big misunderstanding? People would've really liked Dagon's rule if only they'd gotten a chance to get to know him? It was all just a clash of opposing but equal values? Maybe it was just an aesthetic difference.
Chancellor Ocato: You know, I've been thinking, and lava red just does not go well with the draqes in the Imperial Palace. That's it, we must save the empire from this terrible threat! We must at all costs protect the realm from the mortal threat of CLASHING ACCESSORIES!
Dagon causes a mass amount of chaos, but he himself is not chaotic. Sadistic, maybe, but he is very gathered.
He causes chaos, yes, but he himself is not chaotic, he is gathered and very decisive.
This is the same as saying someone who causes destruction is not destructive.
I recall oblivion pits where people in cages were lowered into liquid hot mag-ma.
No, its not at all. Chaotic implies one is all over the place, un organized, a mess. Mehrunes dagon causes it, but he himself is not chaotic, he is organized, decisive, and gathered. Saying one is destructive is saying that they destroy things, and in that case, it fits. Mehrunes Dagon IS destructive.
It also means being apart of confusion and disorganization. And he was apart of the confused and disorganized state in Shivering Isles. That makes him chaotic, because in his attempt to oppose order, he causes more confusion and disorganization. And as he causes it, he is apart of it. Look at REL_Dovahkiin's post in my op. This shows that people do use "chaotic" in this manner.
I am almost certain the entirety of Dagon's plan was hinged on Mankar Camoron actually doing the planning.
They may use it in that manner, but the WAY you are describing it is not the same. And shivering Isles, wtf? Mehrunes dagon...shivering isles...
That seemed more like the Dremora's doing. You know, have a little fun with mortal visitors. No biggie.
I'm sure Dagon is not affront to it or anything. But he himself doesn't seem interested in doing so. I'm just saying torture fits in better with Vaermina's sphere.
"Vaermina (also spelled Vaernima) is a Daedric Prince whose sphere is the realm of dreams and nightmares, and from whose realm evil omens issue forth.[1] She is known as "Vaernima the Gifter" and "Weaver of the Panoply".[2][3] She is seen as one of the "demonic" Daedra, and some have also claimed her sphere ties somehow to torture.[4] Vaermina's plane of Oblivion is Quagmire. It is described as a nightmare realm, where every few minutes reality shifts and becomes ever more horrifying. "A dark castle one moment, a den of ravening beasts the next, a moonlit swamp, a coffin where he was buried alive."[5]"
Then you have Molag Bal. But torture is more a side-effect of his main goal.
Even if thats so, Mehrunes Dagon is still gathered, and not chaotic. He enjoys sewing chaos, but he himself is not in a state of chaos when everything else around him descends into it. A better example of a Daedric lord being in a constant state of chaos is Sheogorath or Sanguine. They are both a constant state of dissaray.
I was talking about Jyggalag, guy. You know, because we were just talking about him?
And the way I'm describing it is the same.
I will try to clear it up.
We have adjectives describing the state one's in: dead, destroyed, chaotic.
We also have adjectives describing what state one induces in others: deadly, destructive, ?
See the problem? There's no adjective for someone who creates chaos. Colonel filled this gap by using "chaotic" in both meanings.
Perhaps it should be used this way. I'd prefer to have a separate word though, it would be less confusing.
Says you, but doesnt mean you are right. Doesnt matter anyway, as someone stated earlier, you could argue that gravity causes one to float, and you would still say you were right. Even though its obvious that you arent.
Also, you quoted me talking about Mehrunes dagon, not Jyggalag.
The word cannot be used like that though. It would be more accurate to say " Mehrunes Dagon is sadistic or enjoys sewing chaos / seeing people squirm "
You're flaming a dude, dude. Stop flaming a dude, dude.