Mehrunes Dagon and his Daedra. Are they Chaotic?

Post » Sun May 12, 2013 2:54 pm

You brought up Mehrunes, and I was still talking about Jyggalag. In my original quote, you were talking about him with Celan. As for the rest, whatever helps you sleep at night.

And on Mehrunes, looking at the poll, it's clear you are in the minority.

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Post » Sun May 12, 2013 2:48 pm

dude, stop saying dude, dude. :twirl:

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Laura Shipley
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Post » Sun May 12, 2013 2:11 am

Majority =/ = Right. In certain countries in Africa the majority think Mentally handicapped people are possessed and need to be burned, doesnt make it right.

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Post » Sun May 12, 2013 6:47 am

This is true.

Majority of the world does not, however. It may not prove me right, but it gives me more ground to stand on.

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Post » Sat May 11, 2013 11:13 pm

If Mehrunes Dagon really is a cursed Leaper Demon King, I'd say he's in a state of chaos.

Regardless, this has come down to nothing more than people griping over semantics, and their opinions hinge on whether they are applying the literal definition of the word, or the vernacular/colloquial meaning of the word. In the strictest terms of literal definitions, those who say the Daedric don't have chaotic natures are correct, but in terms of how the word is applied in every day conversation, the line becomes much more blurred as it depends on how the term is used around them.

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Emily Jeffs
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Post » Sun May 12, 2013 1:26 am

The world may think that, but places in Africa think its right. So saying majority is right does not make it true.

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Cedric Pearson
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Post » Sun May 12, 2013 4:40 am

I think it's because originally the discussion was about something else, i.e. that the daedra are agents of chaos in the mortal realm. Because even if they're very ordered in how they go about their business, it's like a steamroller. That's true whether you're talking about daedra who are more Anuic aligned or not.

Even in the Oblivion main quest, as someone pointed out, you had Mankar Camoran who was directing the invasion and trying to impose his own, rather disordered sense of reality on it. He isn't chaotic in the sense that he has no internal consistency or logic. In his mind, his logic is supreme. He's very articulate. But his vision is madness and death.

And I think it originally goes back to a romanticized idea of the daedra, that they're really just misunderstood and could be civilized if... I don't know what might cause that. Whereas I see the daedra as being pure instinct, animal-like in that they can't act other than according to their natures, and this very constancy makes them clash with mortals who are more complex.
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Post » Sun May 12, 2013 4:35 am

And I never said it did. Read that quote again.

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Marnesia Steele
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Post » Sun May 12, 2013 10:39 am

It doesnt even give you more ground to stand on.

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Milad Hajipour
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Post » Sun May 12, 2013 9:52 am

OMG, whatever, man. :rolleyes:

That is how the lore describes them. They can't help but to act the way that they do. It isn't up to them.

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Kelly John
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Post » Sun May 12, 2013 4:06 am

"Everybody says so" is never a good argument and no thesis can be supported by it alone. You only need this tiny patch of ground it gives you if you have no other arguments - if you do, then you won't need anybody's support to prove your point.

I could give you an example of when majority of the world was terribly wrong, but it would be very offtopic.

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Alexandra Ryan
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Post » Sun May 12, 2013 9:23 am

Let me guess, the world being flat? Yes, thats something that can be scientifically proven to be false, but this on the other hand as you and others pointed out is more murky. This is about how people use a word in a language, and meanings of words change a lot as well as how they use them. In this case with the way a word is used, a majority ruling does give me ground to stand on, as it reflects how most people would use the word in our language.

And from the poll, it is clear that most consider a being of destruction change revolution and so on to be chaotic. Majority ruling doesn't work on everything, or even most, but it does in this case.

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Post » Sun May 12, 2013 5:48 am

This question is kinda like:"Is water wet?"

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Katie Samuel
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