as ive mentioned, i wanted stats and skills to matter beyond just being perk reqs. so my idea of a "dodge" chance really does increase as unarmed increases.
I like your way of thinking, I think it should be like that too, the only mod I can think of that "sort of, kind of at least makes you feel like skills mean something"
is the mod "Skill based Perks" where certain perks are completely removed from the list of perks you can choose from,
and instead you get those perks when you reach a certain level in each skill.
For example, when you reach 70 in repair, you get the Jury Rig perk.
I know it's NOT what you're talking about, but right now, it's the only one I can think of that, (as I said) "sort of kind of" gives you that
feeling that Skills are tied to "skills" and actually mean something
however its not in the concept of a DT or resisting damage, but avoiding it entirely just like the AC of my monk character that made her really hard to hit at all. the only way to do that that i can think of right now is by a script healing the damage "dodged". also im thinking of tying dodge to agility by making the player lose AP equal to the damage "dodged" or skill of the opponent used.
But could that happen fast enough to avoid an unnecessary death?
I.E. you use a heal script to negate the damage, as if it was a "Dodge", your character has 24 hit points left and gets hit for 28 points of damage, now your heal script checks and kicks in,
is the game going to do the slow motion death, or is the script going to act fast enough to keep you alive?
That's why SPECIAL throws me off so much in these games, Agility in this game really only gives you more AP, and gives you bonuses to lockpicking,
in most other CRPGS it affects your Ranged Hit Chance, your Dodge Chance, and even Armor Class, nice stuff like that.
I don't even think that Agility affects your DT in the slightest in this game....I think it should.
As it stands, I could learn all those special moves and have 100 in unarmed, but getting from point A to Point B (where the Raider with the 100 Submachine gun is)
is pretty much impossible.
I think Agility and unarmed should affect DT in some way, unless there's some type of global thing that could be applied to enemies that
just make them miss more often or gives them the probability of missing more often the higher and higher your unarmed skill and agility become.
Maybe even make it a factor or combination of all three, Agility, Melee and Unarmed if at all possible.