Okay so most of you might've read the article on game informer about how bethesda will improve their combat style in Skyrim. Has anyone ever played 'Might and Magic - Dark Messiah'? It's not the best game i've ever played but i've never played a more fun first person medieval singleplayer game. You could kick opponents, and cut of their heads and limbs if you did a critical strike while hitting a certain bodypart. Personally i'm hoping Bethesda makes combat AT LEAST as fun as Dark Messiah's combat was. I must've played Dark Messiah like 6 times even though it doesn't have any freedom to roam around or particularly beautiful graphics. If they could implement a combat system similar or better than Dark Messiah's it'd be a dream come true

If you don't know the Dark Messiah game i reccomend you look it up on youtibe or something, it doesn't give you the same feeling as playing it yourself ofcourse but it'll give you an idea of what i mean.
What bothered me about oblivion, especially because the monsters level up together with you, was that fights didn't have any strategy to them. All you did was click your mouse a few dozen of times until the enemy dropped. The stronger you got the more times you had to hit the enemy before he died which when you were quite a high level became ridiculous. I'd prefer a combat system where the enemies learn to block and dodge your attacks more effectively but have a realistic ammount of health so that you have to use some strategy to take them down. Bigger monsters like ogres usually are quite stupid so they won't block and dodge your attacks like soldiers or goblins do so those monsters should have a large health pool, but if you manage to block and dodge their attacks you should have the ability to strike a weakspot on them that damages them a lot making fights last no longer than four or five strikes. It's the strategy required behind your attacks that will make the fights last long enough.
Remember when fighting goblins in oblivion? They must've had like a billion healthpoints as with maxed stats and on easy difficulty i still had to hit one about 10 times before he died...
After my first playthrough on oblivion i didn't notice a lot of the things the game lacks, but when i played it again (only played it twice + mods and shivering isles etc. ofcourse

I'm not sure if everyone will agree that the combat in oblivion had no challange to it and was completely boring, but nevertheless i'm sure you'll agree that they need to make combat way more strategic while reducing enemie's healthpools. If you want a higher difficulty just make it so that enemies block/dodge faster and perhaps attack you in larger groups, but don't just increase their health bar and damage so that you can hit them 30 times but still won't die.