Melee fun on survival

Post » Mon Nov 30, 2015 11:50 am

I like melee in fallout 4! It's better than Fallout 3 or New Vegas because the map is much more cramped. Snipers ain't worth crap here!

First, the specials.

Strength : 10 before bubblehead for a total of 11, because more damage is always good? Craft armor, craft weapon, big leagues and rooted are a must!

Perception : 1 or 4 to 6, if you only want to pick lock, or if you want night vision as you stealth around with more energy resistance, and maybe just one point in demolition to craft bottlecap mines. You'll get your score to 7 quick with the easiest bobblehead to find anyways. Put only 1 if you don't mind the no lock picking part, you'll always get 95 % in vats cuz you're right in their faces anyways!

Endurance : 1 to 10. Doable with only 1 endurance and the toughness perk, raise it higher with spare points only for the HP. Maybe you can try to get that one to 11. Maybe.

Charisma : 3, for the lone wanderer perk. 30 % damage resistance is crucial! The charisma bobblehead will raise it to 4 to boost your dog if you ever want to later on.

Intelligence : 6 for hacking terminals and the science perk, which will allow you to craft better weapons and armors. The bobblehead will raise it to 7, which will allow you to get chemist ; 1 point to craft the best drugs, more just for the extra duration if you want.

Agility : 1 to 8 ! It's for sneaking, VATS and the blitz perk. Sneaking in melee is doable, but only with a considerable point investment and a high level and without a companion. It's much harder than with a muffled snipe or shotty, that's for sure. Don't invest sneak points until at least lvl 25. VATS is very important in melee because there's no blocking going on there, and the blitz perk is just plain awesome to close in all the distance you want. You can skip sneaking entirely if you want, you'll still be able to sneak a little if only to assess the situation before engaging, but melee fights will be wicked hard without a good VATS to smash some of them.

Luck : 1 to 10. Avoid entirely or get Bloody mess, mysterious stranger, better critical, critical banker, grim reaper sprint, four leaf clover and the best one, ricochet. Luck works a lot better with an unarmed build rather than a melee weapon build.

Tips :

Use other weapons when needed. Keep mines, bottlecap mines and cocktail molotov for tougher fights, and a snipe to deal with long range stuff like turrets on houses. Deathclaws will rip you in melee if you just walk up to it without a plan, no matter how melee oriented your build is! Don't try to sneak up on 5 monsters ; just toss that grenade instead, it's just better.

Drug yourself! Become a junkie. Otherwise you're gonna die! Jet to slow down enemies, Med X to absorb damage, Psycho for both defense and offense, and etc. Those you can craft are your best friend, and your dog won't judge you for it! Take notes of all the needed items to craft your favorite drugs and stash them.

Hide in corners and let them come to you. Sometimes, it's the best thing to do.

At low level, use everything you got. You can't just smash your way because your build isn't shining yet. Use some ammo

If you go unarmed instead of with a maul, get Agility and Luck high, because then you'll crit and stun everybody all the time using VATS. Only works at really high level though. Iron fist at 5 ( 1 STR lvl 46 ), Gun Fu ( 10 AGI lvl 50 ) and all Luck crit related perks is the combo.

Keep a slow [censored] weapon and a really quick one on you. You might need to switch to a quick one if you're surrounded, and the quick one is usually only 2 pounds anyways. The slow and heavy hitting melee weapon is the way to go unless you got a specific idea in mind.

You can sell ammo later on. 5 000 cheap bullets is 5 000 caps, and you won't miss those!

The lone wanderer with a dog allows you the most carry weight possible in game.

Avoid dangerous places until later. Avoid ponds and lakes because of nasty bugs. Take on humans first, super mutants second, nasty critters third.

Companion perks to get, in order of importance :

Preston Garvey gives you the best one around, damage and defense when outnumbered ;

Paladin Danse gives a fun damage buff that's very useful against monsters ;

X6-88 for more energy resistance ;

Other fun companion perks you can skip if you want :

Codsworth for more energy resistance ;
Cait if you use VATS often and you have a high Endurance score ;

Curie for a HP cure but put it low on the priority list ;

Deacon if you like to sneak around, but you'll probably 1 shot everything already anyways ;

Strong for more damage when low on hp ;

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Everardo Montano
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Post » Mon Nov 30, 2015 8:40 am

Heh, cramped though it may be, you'd never see the bullet coming from my 50 cal.

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Craig Martin
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Post » Mon Nov 30, 2015 7:40 am

Well, of course, just some flavor text there heh.

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Nick Jase Mason
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Post » Mon Nov 30, 2015 12:10 am

Looks like a fun build! Never done a melee character before, maybe FO4 will bring my first. My current character is big on snipes and combat rifles.

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stephanie eastwood
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Post » Sun Nov 29, 2015 9:20 pm

Playing melee on normal level and restricting use of stimpacks to broken limbs only. Other than that, I can only heal using purified water.

I can use Radaway but no other chemical allowed.

No guns allowed but I can use grenades and the like.
No power armor either. Light armor or clothes only.

Some fights are best avoided and I'm okay with that.
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Emma Pennington
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Post » Mon Nov 30, 2015 5:35 am

Might as well just play survival then.

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Jon O
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Post » Mon Nov 30, 2015 2:19 am

Hah!! Your 50. bullet dont meen crap against my high damage resistance and huge HP pool! and if I reach you you die in a couple of hits. 8)

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Post » Mon Nov 30, 2015 6:57 am

I'm playing Melee on survival and the only enemy's that give me any trouble are the freakin Mirlock's!!

God I hat them!!!

All they have to do is bow their heads to block your attack. I use a Sledgehammer and can not counter them even after I bock an attack. I have to drug up to kill 3 of the freakin things. 8( I hate them. I HATE THEM! I REALLLY HATE THEM.

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Alyesha Neufeld
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Post » Mon Nov 30, 2015 2:18 am

Did I mention that I HATE Mirlocks!!

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Post » Mon Nov 30, 2015 2:27 am

Vats is the answer to the terrible block/interrupt system. Vatz/Blitz >>>>>>>>> Mirelurk, or well anything that can't perma-stealth.

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Post » Mon Nov 30, 2015 7:54 am

Yea a lot of people seem to hate using Vats with Melee builds. I don't know why. I love a good head explosion in slow motion melee kills in Vats. I can only do 2 sledge hammer melee attacks in Vats though 8(. I need to try and increase that.

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Nathan Maughan
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Post » Mon Nov 30, 2015 2:25 am

(runs howling at sniper)

(right into sniper's minefield)

(explodes in a rain of blood and gore)

Sniper: :rofl: :clap:

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Vicki Blondie
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Post » Sun Nov 29, 2015 10:31 pm

Bah. Ill just get my power armor then. BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!

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Post » Sun Nov 29, 2015 10:33 pm

Whats that? 205 hp at level 11 and 70 damage res. and my end is not even max. only at 8. 8)

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Vicky Keeler
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Post » Mon Nov 30, 2015 3:35 am

Wow how'd you pull that off?
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Post » Mon Nov 30, 2015 2:23 am

Kinda hard to retrieve that armor without legs don'tchaknow?

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