What was it you added? If one of them affected your character's stats, those changes will likely remain even after disabling it.
"Hold It"
Fliggerty's Almanac/weather system
Better Music System v1.7.2
As far as I know none of those change any stats
I do have mods that alter the stats a bit, but they've never been deactivated and are present in the save
You need to know that 25/100 actually mean a spell costing 25 magicka with 100% cast chance.
As far as I can tell, if you keep your fatigue pretty high, your cast chance should remain decent with small spells. (like the 6/100)
Edit: And how high is your highest weapon skill you're having trouble with?
Pretty much hit half the time, but at the time of making this thread I wasn't hitting at all...
Also, you're not kidding? I honestly thought that was how the numbers read out since way back when when I got this game!
But knowing that now makes it look even screwier, because ALL of them are #/100. I know for a fact one specific spell does NOT succeed 100% of the time and yet it's listed as 100.
It seems to me that your gamesave has some mod related reference stored in those saves.
You can try http://img526.imageshack.us/img526/681/wmsarepairsave.png them in either http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1068986-wrye-mash-thread-5/ or http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1106095-wrye-mash-stand-alone/ (executable).
If you have http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1083121-relz-mlox-a-tool-for-anolyzing-and-sorting-your-load-order/ I suggest that update the masterlist and post your LO plus the contents from the warnings.txt here.

I did that yesterday. And now again today. The results where strange...
The first time the same issue, and now today the numbers of the spell cost/chances are different.
I did switch some more mods around, I think I might've narrowed it down, but the suspects don't make any sense.