Melee needs an Area Attack and Ranged Combat should be weake

Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:40 pm


i just registered to post this^^

I really love Oblivion but there are several Flaws which make playing a Melee bases Character less fun. I hope the Designers are aware of those and have Plans to change it for the better

Given the Fact that Melee is in your Face and you are often surrounded, it really needs a Way to Damage multiple Opponents. Its realistic and will add a new dimenstion to melee combat. Barbarian Whirlwind anyone ?^^

One of the Reasons Melee seems lacking is cause Ranged Combat is so much superior. Fighting on Range it is really easy to avoid all kind of projectiles and blows. Both Archer and Mages shouldnt be able to sidestep as fast as they can. Reading the Blog i noticed that Bethesda plans to reduce backward running speed. Thats seems like a good idea, but how about you can only use ranged while walking instead of running? Would be realistic and make sidestepping projectiles alot harder.

Before anyone thinks i have no clue what im talking about. I played trough OOO several Times so i know how to fight.

11/11/11 will be the End of my Life as i know it lol^^
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:50 pm

I agree about the ranged combat. Not so sure about the "barbarian whirlwind" idea.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 5:52 am

Good ideas! I never played as a ranged character in III or IV. Was there some kind of aim assist?
I am wholly in favor of area attacks for non magic users. They seem present in most RPGs nowadays anyway. DA:O comes to mind.
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Jade Payton
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 4:24 pm

The whole fighting systems has been overhauled and needed it. Magic also travelled too slow over distances (except lightening). And yes its extremely frustrating when fighting multiple oponents because you can only attack one at a time. Maybe that will change with duel wielding? I really expect to see a new system of melee combat for Skyrim, i mean more than has been mentioned from GI.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 4:44 pm

only Link can get away with a sword twirl and only look slightly camp lol
But swing and smash damage hitting several enemies, i could see that as a 2 handed weapon perk if you had the strength. just nothing overtly crazy imo like spinning or power hammering or summit...
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Doniesha World
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:12 am

The Skyrim archery will be based on this Oblivion mod

I suggest reading what it does, it will put many of your concerns at ease.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 9:46 am

No area attack. You whack one opponent really hard, and the blade, should just glance off the second, unless your name is Atlas and you have incredible strength. Just because you haven't played an archer, does not mean it should be dialed down. I can engage two at a time anyway..... in IV.... It's called whack, block, whack the next guy, block, whack the first guy..... and so on.
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Lisa Robb
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:25 am

Two camps' voices conserning melee:

1) Great! the single player being more vialbe against a group is great! The whirling dwervish! Fists of Fury! Bring it on!

2) Nonsense! It's not realistic! In melee a combatant can realistically take on only 2 opponents at a time. This is blasphemy!

Me? I'd go for the whirling thingamajigger. Perhaps combined with a spell of protection from fire on self combined with a fireball on self with x feet range...maybe name it the Final Protective Fire :reallywishthenukeemotestillexploded: Oh, or maybe a potion that does the same thing..with beans as a main ingredient!

As for the ranged, I never really regarded it as overpowered :shrug: But when your moving, it's not like your crosshairs have a main gun stabilizing system :shrug:
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Dan Endacott
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:07 pm

That sounds great. We could have two handed war hammers strike the ground causing seismic damage to all surrounding enemies. :down:

Game mechanics such as those are for hack n slash Action games. TES is an Action/RPG and just cause the classification puts RPG second in name that doesn't mean Action comes first in TES.
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Jacob Phillips
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 9:52 am

No area attack. You whack one opponent really hard, and the blade, should just glance off the second, unless your name is Atlas and you have incredible strength. Just because you haven't played an archer, does not mean it should be dialed down. I can engage two at a time anyway..... in IV.... It's called whack, block, whack the next guy, block, whack the first guy..... and so on.

I play Archers all the Time
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Marine Arrègle
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 8:58 am

An enchanted AOE arrow would be cool, causes fires damage within 10 feet of whatever it hits or something...
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 6:45 am

I play Archers all the Time

As well as I. If rushed, my archers are built to die. Melee combat is something to be avoided for my character. That's the archer trade-off. It seems to me, to have a whirlwind type of attack, where you can do damage to multiple opponents, that there needs to be a trade-off. The other side of my brain, tells me that this is a RPG, not a FPS, and such aggressive, powerful attacks are unrealistic, unless you have a special racial ability, training from a renowned combat veteran, or something along those lines. What I mean to say, is that an attack of this nature, should be very hard to learn, let alone implement, due to its powerful nature.
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Emily Rose
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 6:49 am

You can definitely kill two opponents with one swing of a two handed Blade or Blunt in Oblivion. Skyrim is rumored to allow true dual wielding. You can dual wield in DAO, but if you tank while dual wielding you die very quickly, or end up being outlevelled by your supporting cast. I would like to see the ability to toss the offhand axe as a Marksman attack and slip behind a shield rather than having a "Beserker rage" attack. The biggest advantage of dual wielding is the speed of the strikes and keeping an opponent staggered and defending themselves from your attack.
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Tiffany Carter
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 4:31 am

dont support this idea "the stronger melee and the weaker ranged" in your logic.

is better support the ideas on the real life; in the real life the arrows are debastating, and also the melee combat, so the thing we need is that all combat damage becomes more debastating in order to improve.

if you base the ideas in logics like this one, then the game will not be realistic.

bethesda did the opposite, increased range damage, but slow down the time takes to charge an arrow, and I support them.
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Cat Haines
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:30 am

That sounds great. We could have two handed war hammers strike the ground causing seismic damage to all surrounding enemies. :down:

Game mechanics such as those are for hack n slash Action games. TES is an Action/RPG and just cause the classification puts RPG second in name that doesn't mean Action comes first in TES.

Erm, I don't think Baldur's Gate 2 and Throne of Bhaal were action, nor hack-n-slash. In fact, they were one of the best cRPG's evah...and based from pnp RPG, no? (I dropped out after Unearthed Aracana, so I don't know about the special attacks in later AD&D)

Greater Whirlwind Attack
Classes: Fighter, Paladin, Ranger, Barbarian, Monk
Requires: Whirlwind Attack
A more powerful version of the Whirlwind Attack, Greater Whirlwind Attack gives the fighter the same bonuses without penalties. Their number of attacks per round are set to 10 for 1 round.

Whirlwind Attack
Classes: Fighter, Paladin, Ranger, Barbarian, Monk, Swashbuckler
This ability allows the warrior to unleash a flurry of super-fast blows. The ability sets one's number of attacks per round to 10 but one's THAC0 and damage suffer a -4 penalty. The whirlwind attack lasts for one round.

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Courtney Foren
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:43 pm

The Skyrim archery will be based on this Oblivion mod

I suggest reading what it does, it will put many of your concerns at ease.

yes that system was implemented in skyrim acording to GI, and after read it i love it, it mades the game much more realistic just see:

-Bows can be player set to do various multiples of the vanilla damage (or of what ever damage is set to the bow in the game by other mods).

-Arrow damage and speed will be calculated based on the materials and craftsmanship used to make the arrow. A bonus is given to magic arrows. This arrow damage feature is optional.

-Duke Patrick’s "Don’t Shoot Me Bro" system helps to prevent NPC from shooting their friends in the back!

-The bow jerks off target after the shot is fired. You will need to re-aim after each shot. However this feature is optional.

-Breathing bow sway if you are in zoom sniper mode, but you can also hold your breath!

-Moving around will make you miss (shoot off the cross hair) a lot. Running or jumping is worst than walking. This is reduced by holding still for a few moments. There is an optional Bobbing bow sway effect that visually tells you when momentum is no longer effecting your shot after moving or jumping.

-Moving backward has RISK! This is NOT a random event. My mod detects tripping hazards! You may trip over the dead, change in elevations like stairs or large world objects that interfere with your movement such as a chairs!

-The PC strength is now as important as their skill in detraining the damage that a weapon can inflict. Weapon selection strategy will be important by using the right kind of bow for the PC Marksmanship agility and strength!

-Stronger bows will take much longer to draw the arrow then weaker bows depending on your strength. If you try to use a Bow that is stronger than you are it will take a great deal of time to draw the bow.

-Bows eat fatigue no mater what skill level you are. The stronger ones eat more than the weaker ones. So if your bow is stronger than you are your may become exhausted very quickly TRYING to draw the bow!

-If you fire the bow without drawing it all the way your arrow will be drastically reduced in speed AND DAMAGE.

-Slow arrows will bounce off of the armor your target is wearing.

-Arrows that hit Critical locations such as the Head, Solar Plexus or Crotch will cause pain and may multiply damage done by the arrow. Plus an optional feature where the player character will say things like "That had to hurt!' when they land a critical hit on their opponent.

-Weaker bows fire faster and use less fatigue, so if you are a good marksman that can hit the Critical locations more often you may find using a weaker bow is a much better strategy!

-Shield men will now be the archer's worst night mare! NPC will Shield Charge and sprint at you to knock you and your bow to the ground. (Kill them before they get too close!) You can do the same to Archer NPC.

-Bows are not mêlée weapons! You will not be able to draw your bow if you are being crowded by your opponent (they are too close to you). If the NPC hits you as you are drawing the bow it will be knocked off target. You can do the same to Archer NPC.

-Better NPC AI! Your target will side step or block the arrow if they see you fire at them and have the agility, speed and skill to do so.

-Npc will run up inclines to get you now. (no more perching on top of a pile of rocks!)

-Aim your bow straight down to the ground to denock it!

-Arrows that are stuck in the NPC have a chance of being dislodged and dropped to the ground in combat.

-Quiver Capacity limit for both the actors and the player. Everyone now has a limited number of “conveniently assessable” arrows. Extra arrows must be keep in a protective arrow case or you risk breaking them if you are staggered or fall down. This will hamper but not “cold stop” the player and the actors from getting more arrows in combat. YOU NEED TO READ THE FULL DESCRIPTION BEFORE YOU USE THIS FEATURE!
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 11:30 am

Um NO.. see they have to actualy make it fun. So whatever they balance it to will likely be a result of how the game winds up making them tweak magic and bows....

Concidering the issues with ranged combat.. unless they add in vats I dont see them having a choice but to make magic and bows rather powerful to actualy make them work.
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Dina Boudreau
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:49 am

Erm, I don't think Baldur's Gate 2 and Throne of Bhaal were action, nor hack-n-slash. In fact, they were one of the best cRPG's evah...and based from pnp RPG, no? (I dropped out after Unearthed Aracana, so I don't know about the special attacks in later AD&D)

Greater Whirlwind Attack
Classes: Fighter, Paladin, Ranger, Barbarian, Monk
Requires: Whirlwind Attack
A more powerful version of the Whirlwind Attack, Greater Whirlwind Attack gives the fighter the same bonuses without penalties. Their number of attacks per round are set to 10 for 1 round.

Whirlwind Attack
Classes: Fighter, Paladin, Ranger, Barbarian, Monk, Swashbuckler
This ability allows the warrior to unleash a flurry of super-fast blows. The ability sets one's number of attacks per round to 10 but one's THAC0 and damage suffer a -4 penalty. The whirlwind attack lasts for one round.

Well that's a matter of opinion because the Baldur's Gate series (which i've played btw, both 1&2) are the very definition a Hack n Slash. Sure you get experience to level with and that makes it an RPG but any game that presents you with room after room full of various foes and bosses all chained together with no other content in between is the quintessential hack n slash as far as I'm concerned.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 10:00 am

Whirlwinds are not realistic at all, archery was weak as weak tea.

Baldur's Gate games are RPGs and who thinks they're "game that presents you with room after room full of various foes and bosses all chained together with no other content in between is the quintessential hack n slash as far as I'm concerned. " is either trolling, or insane. Or just dumb.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 11:40 am

Whirlwinds are not realistic at all, archery was weak as weak tea.

Baldur's Gate games are RPGs and who thinks they're "game that presents you with room after room full of various foes and bosses all chained together with no other content in between is the quintessential hack n slash as far as I'm concerned. " is either trolling, or insane. Or just dumb.

I'd had to look back over the games because it's been so long and it turns out the two games i played were Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance 1&2. Those were more hack n slash than rpg but the original Baldur's Gate games were not. Sorry for the confusion created by my faulty memory.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 11:30 am

maybe 2H weapons will have frontal cone damage perks?
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 4:46 am

area attacks would only make sense for polearms. for normal swords and axes its one enemy at a time. perhaps some perk will allow you a brief increase in speed for short period of time.
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jenny goodwin
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 11:49 am

I'd have no problem with AoE attacks for two-handed weapons. However, if the enemy you're focusing on still has a lot of health and isn't stunned and you have the option to knock him down that wouldn't make sense. A better idea would be to have a perk that will automatically cause an AoE attack only if the target you're focusing on is staggered/stunned or about to die in the next hit anyway. Then it would make sense that your attack would cleave right through that guy and into the next guy.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 11:17 am

The whole point of fighting ranged is to avoid being hit. I don't think crippling that would be a good idea. There's nothing wrong with ideas to improve close range combat though!
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Peter P Canning
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 6:48 am


i just registered to post this^^

I really love Oblivion but there are several Flaws which make playing a Melee bases Character less fun. I hope the Designers are aware of those and have Plans to change it for the better

Given the Fact that Melee is in your Face and you are often surrounded, it really needs a Way to Damage multiple Opponents. Its realistic and will add a new dimenstion to melee combat. Barbarian Whirlwind anyone ?^^

One of the Reasons Melee seems lacking is cause Ranged Combat is so much superior. Fighting on Range it is really easy to avoid all kind of projectiles and blows. Both Archer and Mages shouldnt be able to sidestep as fast as they can. Reading the Blog i noticed that Bethesda plans to reduce backward running speed. Thats seems like a good idea, but how about you can only use ranged while walking instead of running? Would be realistic and make sidestepping projectiles alot harder.

Before anyone thinks i have no clue what im talking about. I played trough OOO several Times so i know how to fight.

11/11/11 will be the End of my Life as i know it lol^^

Some people like being in the center of action with all the enemies around them. And they're making ranged combat stronger :P
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