Melee warrior-builds gimp ?.

Post » Thu Mar 06, 2014 11:00 am

Seems like that, sadly enough.

Every video and on-sight gameplay i've seen and experienced sofar, indicates that casters, rangers and rogues will

have the best survivability out of all classes with their multiple abilities to CC their targets or stealth.

The ranger for example, has a root and a knockback, and stealth and can then wail on them a safe distance

while a warrior with knockback, still have to get in melee-range, which makes the target able to hit them.

As far as i know, warrior-builds does not have any disarm that lasts for any significant time. If they do, it is most likely

only lasting for 1-2 seconds, which is nothing. A ranger that first roots their target, then knockbacks once it gets

close, will never have been hit.

And i just saw a gameplay video with a mage taking on 5-6 mobs +1 level on the player, and totally annihilated them

all using a dragon-knight firecaster build... which is a casterbuild NOT a warriorbuild. A warrior running into 5-6 mobs

that are +1 level, will be destroyed in a short time.

what i also saw constantly during beta, was both rangers, casters and rogues instantly killing targets, while warriors

had to wail on them for a few seconds. How is this balance?.

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Post » Thu Mar 06, 2014 12:56 pm

its VERYYY early to be crying for balance its beta , Im sure things will become more "balanced" at release.

I for one am going to be a melee warrior and I will not stop until I make a build to equal those rogues and sorcs.

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Dina Boudreau
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Post » Thu Mar 06, 2014 12:40 am

Umm heavy armor skill(immune to cc for 8 seconds) and critical charge? Plus some classes also have gap closer
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jadie kell
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Post » Thu Mar 06, 2014 1:40 pm

A balanced beta is the norm? I don't think so, BIG changes will be made by retail release.

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Greg Swan
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Post » Thu Mar 06, 2014 8:42 am

Beta is the perfect time to be monitoring the game for flaws. You may not know about Warhammer-Online. But that game was suffering from clear

imbalancing among different classes on release, which caused the game to lose 50% of its playerbase because ONE class was way overpowered,

and the developers didn't fix it before release.

The worst standpoint a developer can have, is "release now and fix it later" if they know it has problems. And its a plague that runs amongst many

developers these days - push the release, and fix it later.

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Nichola Haynes
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Post » Thu Mar 06, 2014 2:15 pm

i remember myself dying a whole lot out there, and i'm ranged....

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Silvia Gil
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