New features include:
* No limit on the number of Marks or companions.
* Name your Marks whatever you like. Accept the default (cell name), pick from a list you can write yourself, or type it in as you go!
Also includes an optional addon for Kateri's Julan companion (Julan is fully compatible with this mod right out of the box - the addon just provides automatic teleporting for other companions at two points in Julan's quest).
PS To anyone who's concerned about the overhead for the companion features if you don't use companions: it's really negligible! The companion-follow script only runs when you call it, so if you don't use it, it won't slow anything down.
Note: This mod DOES work with MGE 3.8.0-SVN_REV-118 internal MWSE (or MWSE 0.9.4a standalone is of course still fine). Not sure about other MGE versions, but I've now tested that one and it works.

UPDATED to version 1.2
# 1.1 Fixed issue dealing with player character names that contain spaces. Your list files will now use the first part of your character's name (up to the first space, if there is one) as the identifier. (Thanks to FallenWizard for reporting this issue.)
# 1.2 Fixed a bug where an extra page of buttons all labelled "null" could appear in menus in certain circumstances. Included optional patch for Heaven's Lookout (thanks to TalonHunter78 for reporting this issue). Revised readme (thanks to Ashryn_the_Vampire for letting me know it works with the latest MGE!).
Melian's Teleport Mod
Version 1.2
1. Version History
2. Description/Features
3. Requirements
4. Installation
5. Updating From Previous Versions
6. Playing the Plugin
7. Compatibility
8. Known Issues/FYIs
9. Information for Modders
10. Uninstalling
11. Credits
12. Copyright
13. Contact Info
14. File List
Version History
1.0 Initial release
1.1 Fixed issue dealing with player character names that contain spaces. Your list files will now use the first part of your character's name (up to the first space, if there is one) as the identifier. (Thanks to FallenWizard for reporting this issue.)
1.2 Fixed a bug where an extra page of buttons all labelled "null" could appear in menus in certain circumstances. Included optional patch for Heaven's Lookout (thanks to TalonHunter78 for reporting this issue). Revised readme (thanks to Ashryn_the_Vampire for letting me know it works with the latest MGE!).
Description & Features
* Unlimited teleport Marks. Cast as many as you want. I've had over 50 current Marks during testing and no problems yet.
* Leave a Mark anywhere at all, as long as teleporting hasn't been deliberately disabled. That includes interiors, modded areas, TR maps... anywhere.
* Name your Marks whatever you like, either by typing in a name or choosing from a list. The list is read from a plain text file for easy editing, so if there's a Mark name you'll use a lot you can just add it to the list. You can also just use the cell name as the Mark name if you prefer (this will always appear as the first choice in the menu).
* Unlimited companion follow, configurable via a no-cost spell: have all your companions always follow automatically when you teleport, or only those currently in follow mode, or none.
* Summon all followers together or individual followers one at a time with a no-cost spell. This also works anywhere, anytime, unless teleporting is disabled AND the follower is not in the same cell. You can always summon individual followers if they're in the cell with you, even when teleporting is disabled - so you can fish them out of the lava in Akulakhan's Chamber for example - and if teleporting is allowed you can summon them anywhere, regardless of where they (or you) are.
* Mark and companion lists should never be lost or overwritten, even if you jump around different saves and different characters. Even if those characters have the same name. The only way you can lose a list is by deleting it yourself.
Either standalone MWSE 0.9.4a or higher, or MGE 3.8.0-SVN_REV-118 or higher internal MWSE. Older MGE internal versions will not work - as far as I know.
Uncompress the archive to a folder on your desktop or some other convenient place. The only file you have to install to run this mod is "mel_teleportPlugin_1_2.esp": this file must be used regardless of whether you use any of the others or not. The esps go in Data Files, and the text file "mel_tpp_MarkTags" goes in Data Files\MWSE (see the file list at the end of this readme if you're confused about file locations).
Updating From Previous Versions
Use Wrye Mash or another utility to redate the new esp to match the old esp's date, then deactivate the old esp and activate the new. You may get warnings on load saying that some plugins your save depends on have changed - this is normal, you can ignore it.
Optional files:
This patches some companions to make them compatible with this mod. Companions that require this patch are:
* Emma's Lokken companions
* Emma's Laura
* Qarl's Underground companions
The patch is also useful if you use my Comes-By-Road healer companion (it won't break anything if you don't use it, but using the patch stops unnecessary scripts from running).
Note that you don't have to run all of these companions to use the patch. The only thing it requires is the base teleport mod (mel_teleportPlugin_1_2.esp). All the fixes are done from the same script so the overhead for unneeded fixes should be negligible.
Even with the patch, if you're doing the Lokken Main Quest I would also recommend you leave your companion teleporting setting on "only if they're following". There are quite a lot of escort quests in WWoL and followers don't automatically add or remove themselves (one follower has teleporting disabled at one point in the quest, but otherwise it's up to you), so it's very easy to forget and teleport someone by accident when you should have left them behind. This won't break any quests that I'm aware of - but it might well break immersion, so consider yourself warned!
This is an optional addon for those using Kateri's Julan companion. Julan is already fully compatible with this mod as-is - in fact this addon doesn't do anything to Julan at all. What it does do is teleport your other companions along with you and Julan at two points in his quest when they would otherwise be left behind. You can only use this addon if you are also using "mel_teleportPlugin_1_2_Patches.esp": it won't work by itself, because it changes that script to check for Julan's quest states as well (this avoids having an extra global script running).
Load order for these plugins:
1. mel_teleportPlugin_1_2.esp
2. mel_teleportPlugin_1_2_Patches.esp (optional)
3. mel_teleportPlugin_1_2_JulanAddon.esp (optional, requires mel_teleportPlugin_1_0_Patches.esp)
This is a plain text file containing default Mark names (the names you'll see in the menu when you cast Recall). These are displayed in a menu for you to choose if you don't want to type in a name or use the cell ID when you cast Mark.
If you don't want to change anything in the file you don't have to install it: it will be created automatically if it's not found when the plugin starts up. I've included it here for people who want to edit it (you can do this using any text editor): just put each Mark name on a new line and don't leave any blank lines. You can delete the defaults if you wish, and as long as you put something in there it won't be overwritten, but if the file is empty or missing it will be recreated with the defaults again.
Heaven's Lookout uses Mark & Recall to put the player back where they teleported from when you use the mod's teleport ring. This does work with my teleport mod, but it looks bad because it brings up the Mark & Recall menus (which obviously wasn't Andy's intention). This patches the ring script to use MWSE functions instead, so you can just teleport straight there and straight back, no menus.
However, since it doesn't use the normal Mark and Recall anymore, it doesn't have any fixes for different saves and different characters. Only one return position is stored - and that's where you'll go, even if it was stored for a different character. If this is likely to be a problem for you, you can either make sure you return to your original position before you go to Heaven's Lookout with another character, or you can just not use the patch - it will still work, you'll just have to live with the menus.
The patch must load after Heaven's Lookout to have any effect, but load order relative to my teleport mod esps doesn't matter - in fact the patch can be used even if my teleport mod isn't loaded at all.
If you're installing this for an existing game, make sure you are not in any Heaven's Lookout cells when it's activated - you need to teleport to Heaven's Lookout using this patch before any return position is stored. You may get some messages on load saying local count is different and variables will be reset - this is harmless, you can ignore it.
Playing the Plugin
This mod takes over the normal Mark and Recall effects from the game. To use the basic teleporting functions, just use same spells/items you normally would and make the appropriate choice in the menu. When you have at least one Mark, casting Mark again will bring up a menu so you can replace an old Mark with the new one if you wish. It's pretty self-explanatory really.
The remaining functions use a new no-cost spell "Teleport Control", which you will be given automatically when you start the game with this mod loaded. This is an "on self" spell - to cast it "on" someone, just make sure you're focussing on them so their name-box pops up.
Followers will only be teleported with you automatically and can only be summoned once they're added to your companion list. If you cast "Teleport Control" on a follower, you'll be given the option to add or remove that follower. If you cast the spell without a follower targeted, you'll be given a list of options: erase a Mark, review your companion list (you can summon or remove individual companions from there), summon all followers or change companion teleport options.
By its nature, this mod is absolutely NOT compatible with Marcel Hesselbarth's MultiMark or with CDCooley's Companion Teleporting or Improved Teleportation. There's no point whatsoever in running these together in any case. The same applies to any other mods that do the same thing.
This mod works much the same way as Marcel Hesselbarth's MultiMark in that it disables teleporting everywhere so as to take over that function from the game. This may cause issues with other mods. I do check for CDCooley's disabled-teleport variable state, so it will catch that, but if a mod doesn't use that and wants to disable teleporting it won't work correctly, and if a mod tries to do tricky things with recall/intervention/mark spells it may not work as intended. If you find any incompatibilities let me know and I'll see if I can patch it.
The patch esp fixes all companions I'm aware of that need a fix, but there may be some I've missed. If you find any, let me know and I'll try to add them to the patch.
This mod may not work with non-English language versions of Morrowind. If the default cell ID is not "Wilderness", the mod just won't work. If the endgame cells have different IDs than the English version, teleporting won't be disabled when it should be. These issues should be pretty easy to fix if you don't mind a bit of script-editing.
Known Issues, FYIs & Other Information
Teleport disabled messages
If a message is written to the screen at the same time as you cast a teleport spell (the usual culprit is a Mysticism skill increase), you may see an extra, blank messagebox along with it. This is just a minor visual issue: you can safely ignore it.
Vampire companions
I've added a fix for vampire companions but it hasn't been thoroughly tested. If your vampire companion ends up headless after a teleport, please let me know and I'll try to fix it. In the meantime, you can get their head back by equipping a helm on your companion - when you remove the helm, the head should reappear.
The GMST sTeleportDisabled is INTENTIONALLY altered by this mod. Don't try to clean it out, and make sure any mods that load after this one are GMST-clean, or else you'll get messages telling you that teleporting is disabled every time you use it.
Modifying, merging or otherwise resaving this mod
If this mod is modified, merged or just resaved in a high-level editor (such as the Construction Set, or MWEdit), the teleport-disabled message will reappear. To fix this, you need to make sure the string value is present and set to something (can be anything, just a single character is fine, this is just to stop the subrecord disappearing altogether). Once you're finished editing, load up the mod in Enchanted Editor and remove the GMST string (find the bit that says "Teleportation magic does not work here" or whatever you set it to, then click the button labelled "edit using multi-line editor" and delete all the text). If the multi-line editor doesn't work (sometimes it doesn't), you'll have to use the "anolyse/Edit Raw Subrecord Data" button and set all values to 0. Resave from EE and it should be ready to use.
Text input issues
The text input feature has some unavoidable problems and may be unstable for some. That's why it's optional: if you have issues with text input, you don't have to use it. Choosing from the list should be as stable as anything else in your game, so if you want a certain name for a Mark you can put it in the text file (in your MWSE directory) and choose it from there.
When using text input, the game will sometimes seem to freeze up. Usually this can be fixed by hitting the ~ key for the console a few times. If the text input box appears when you do this, the console will pop up as soon as you start typing. Close the console and the text input should work correctly after that.
Changing your character's name
If you change your character's name partway through a game with this mod active, you'll need to go into your MWSE directory and copy your Mark and companion lists and rename them. The files are all prefixed with "mel_tpp" and the list files contain your character's name and a number. The number should stay the same, just change the name. Note that changing your name during a game is not recommended in any case, and I haven't actually tested this.
MWSE directory files
Files are created in the Data Files\MWSE directory, and there's no function to delete them, so you'll have to clean out that directory yourself every now and then. All files created by this mod start with "mel_tpp": if you want to remove the mod entirely, just delete all these files (and the esps). The files "mel_tpp_t1", "mel_tpp_mc" and "mel_tpp_mi" are temp files: you can delete them anytime the game isn't running but they'll all be back if you use the mod again. The main Mark list files are named "mel_tpp_m[your character's name][number]", and the companion lists are "mel_tpp_c[your character's name][number]", where the "number" is the value of the global variable "mel_tpp_index" (you can get the value ingame by using "show mel_tpp_index" in the console), and "your character's name" is the name of your player character. For example: if my character's name is Randolph and the value of mel_tpp_index is 2, my current list files would be "mel_tpp_mRandolph2" and "mel_tpp_cRandolph2". If you've never used the mod with that character name before, the highest index value will be the most recent. These files shouldn't be deleted until you've finished with that character.
If that explanation was too convoluted: Just wait until you're finished with any games that were using this mod and then delete anything in the MWSE directory that starts with "mel_tpp"

If you delete the main list files from your MWSE directory and try to continue with the game that was using them, it will break the mod and might crash the game, especially if you have companions. Don't delete files unless you're sure you won't need them later. If you have deleted the files and can't recover them, you can set all the following variables to 0 in the console and continue playing, but you'll have to rebuild your Mark and companion lists:
set mel_tpp_Clist to 0set mel_tpp_Cend to 0set mel_tpp_Cnum to 0set mel_tpp_Mlist to 0set mel_tpp_Mend to 0set mel_tpp_Mnum to 0
GCD (Galsiah's Character Development) has an issue which may - very occasionally - be triggered by this mod. The method used by GCD to force the player's stats menu to update level correctly is quite risky: if it happens at exactly the wrong moment, it can permanently disable menus. For this mod, this can happen if casting Mark or Recall gives you a level increase (not just a skill increase, only an actual level increase will do this) and GCD's HUD update script doesn't detect the menu in time. If you don't have the HUD update active with GCD (or if you don't use GCD at all) this won't affect you. It's a very rare issue in any case. However, since it can be triggered by any mod that uses a spellcast to bring up a menu, I recommend you use a fix for this if you use GCD.
The easiest fix is to change the GCD script "Gals_Level_Screen_Update". Near the top of the script you'll find this:
if ( menumode == 1 ) returnendif
Change it to this:
if ( menumode == 1 ) returnelseif ( player->GetSpellReadied ) returnendif
This will stop the HUD update from happening while you have a spell readied (it will just wait until you leave spellcasting stance and do the update when it's safer to run it) - so this should prevent the problem for any mod that uses a spellcast to trigger a menu.
Information for Modders
To disable teleporting for the player:
Use the same method as is used for CDCooley's teleport mods (this will work for my mod and both of CDCooley's). Add a global variable "cdc_teleportation": it should be a short variable with default value 0. Check the variable from your script or dialogue: if it's not 0, then either my mod or one of CDCooley's mods is running, and you can disable teleporting by setting cdc_teleportation to a negative value (anything less than 0 will work). Set it back to 1 to re-enable teleporting. If the variable stays at 0, none of these mods are running, so you shouldn't change the value (that would break other mods). Be a bit careful how you do this though, since other mods might also want to disable teleporting at the same time. Note that you may still need to use the DisableTeleporting command.
To set up a companion to add or remove themselves from the teleporting list automatically:
Add the cdc_teleportation variable as above. Duplicate the companion's follow and wait dialogue lines and add an extra filter to the top copy for "cdc_teleportation != 0". To add the companion to the list, add this to the resultbox:
set cdc_companion_call_script.insert to 1StartScript cdc_companion_call_script
To remove the companion, add this:
set cdc_companion_call_script.remove to 1StartScript cdc_companion_call_script
This will work with both CDCooley's mods as well as mine.
To disallow teleporting for a particular NPC (only works with my mod):
Create a new spell with ID "mel_tpp_NoTeleport" - it should be a copy of the one included in my mod. Add this spell to your NPC (don't get them to cast it - just add it to them using AddSpell) to disable teleporting for that NPC. You can remove it later to re-enable teleporting if you wish. This won't remove the companion from the list if they've already been added, but your NPC won't teleport automatically and if the player tries to summon them they'll just be given a message indicating that they can't teleport that companion now.
To find out whether an NPC is on the companion list:
Create a new spell with ID "mel_tpp_IsListed" - it should be a copy of the one included in this mod. Use GetSpell to check for this spell on your NPC: if they've got it, they're on the list.
To find out whether this mod is running:
Add a global variable "mel_tpp_index". It should be a short variable. Set the default value to -1 (IMPORTANT!). Check the value of this variable from script or dialogue: if it's greater than 0, this mod is (or was) running.
If you just want to know whether any teleporting mod is running, you can check the variable cdc_teleportation and if it's not 0, either this mod or one of CDCooley's teleporting mods is/was running.
Just delete all files in your Data Files directory that start with "mel_teleportPlugin" and all files in your MWSE directory that start with "mel_tpp".
If you're removing this mod and then continuing with the game that was using it, there are a few more things you have to do. Make sure you back up your saves before you make any changes!
When you first reload a save after removing this mod, open the console and set the following variables:
set cdc_teleportation to 0set mel_tpp_index to -1
You may be told these variables don't exist: that's fine, don't worry about it. You just need to make sure that they're reset if they're used by any other mods still in your game.
For each of your companions, click on them to focus the console and type:
RemoveSpell mel_tpp_IsListed
If you're told this spell doesn't exist then don't bother doing it a second time. But if the spell does exist then it's being used by another mod, so you'll need to remove it from your companions to let that mod know this one isn't being used anymore.
Marcel Hesselbarth
CDCooley deserves an extra-special thankyou for permissions and assitance. It's not every day someone will help you make a mod that's intended to replace theirs. So: thanks again!
This plugin is freely distributable and modifiable as long as it is used only for TES3:Morrowind and is distributed free of charge. Inclusion of the relevant credit information is appreciated.
Note that some content is not mine, so my permissions don't apply to it (this mainly concerns the IT and companion patch). For permission to use or modify other modders' work please contact them.
To contact me (melian), your best bet is a PM on Emma's forum, Fliggerty's forum, or BSF. You can email me if you must, but be aware that I don't check my emails very often so you might have to wait a while for an answer - and do remember to give your message a subject line clearly related to Morrowind, otherwise I'll assume it's spam and delete it.
File List
...\Data Files\mel_teleportPlugin_1_2.esp
...\Data Files\mel_teleportPlugin_1_2_Patches.esp
...\Data Files\mel_teleportPlugin_1_2_JulanAddon.esp
...\Data Files\mel_teleportPlugin_HeavensLookoutPatch.esp
...\Data Files\MWSE\mel_tpp_MarkTags
Download at: